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  1. Yes I mentioned the police stop, but as I said, I wasn't ticketed, charged and neither did they take my car away. Everything seemed fine with the new qoute, but it was all of a sudden bang, change of attitude. They were also meant to refund the money I gave them as a deposit and send back my no claims bonus proof, and I have had neither.
  2. Hiya folks new here. I have a bit of a wierd one here, but need help. My insurance ran out on the 14th Sep, I went online and renewed it with another company. Everything seemed fine, they asked for my no claims proof I sent it. On Tuesday, im driving to work, I get pulled over by the police about 500 yards from my work. He gets out and tells me I am not insured, but i had recieved a letter that morning from my new insurer, i tell him this. He looks at it, and the letter was thanking me for proof of no claims and also saying there was gap between my old cover ending, and my new one starting, i had set up new insurance with them to start on the 14th Oct. So basically I had filled in the wrong start date and was driving about without being insured. The policeman said it was an obvious, genuine mistake, so said If i parked it in my works car park, and phoned by insurance straight away, he wasn't going to report me. So off he went, took no details and handed me no ticket. I thought nice bloke. (I actually think he was off duty or something, he was on his own) SO..... I phones my insurance and explains this to them and asked to change the start date of my insurance, they said no and that id have to go through a new qoute. I explained that I was just about to start work, so asked if I could phone back on my break, they said that would be fine. So 2 hours later I phoned back on my break. The women cancelled the old one, went through the procedaure, and offered me a new deal, starting straight away. I said ok. She said hold on a minute sir, went away, come back and said that the company wasn't going to insure me (over ruled by someone), I asked why, and she mumbled something about not taking the offer of a new policy earlier on when I phoned in the first place. So a few questions. 1. Does this mean ive now been "refused" insurance, which you are asked on every insurance website, meaning I can't get insured. 2. If it does, does anyone know where I can go to get insured now??? 3. Will other companys simply not even qoute me now because i have been "refused" insurance. 4. Can I really have been refused insurance because I made a simple, genuine mistake, that I phoned up to tell them about?? Any help would be really appreciated.
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