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  1. Before this even happened I was the happiest person alive. I had too much money for an 18 year old. I use to go clubbing every week and have loads of mates. I used to get girls coming up to me in bus and stuff. But after this abusive I am less confident I can’t even make eye contact with girls who come up to me in the bus. I used to get compliment from girls that said I was good looking but I feel this angry and stress is changing me. Firstly it did not happen with one business teacher, It happened with 2 business teachers. One of which is head of btec business. Head of btec abuse: ''Why are you here'' ''I am surprised you pass this’’ (In front of the class, then starts laughing) ''Some people have potential others i have given up on'' ''your not dumb but'' ''I should have never let you back in year 13th'' The second business teacher said: 'My name and then said idiot come here'' Mostly every lesson she would call me idiot. She was actually a very good teacher until I told her my parent won the lottery after this she would call me names. One of my friends said she had a grudge against me. The head of btec also changed my grades from merit to fail. The school also changed my attendance to 44%. How is this real!!!!!!!!!!!!!I was in every day; they could ask people in my class as well getting awards for having 100% the year before. The second business teacher accused me of plagriasm!!!! When I prove I never did this they didn’t care and just told me to either sign the leavers form or get kicked out I done either. I had a meeting with the headmaster and he said that we never kicked you out for plagriasm. I presume they said this to cover their own track as i went on to turniton.com and found 0 percent plagriasm. So then when they didn’t have a reason to get me kicked out they said my attendance was bad and changed the record. I met all of the year 13th deadlines even though my teacher kept giving me deadlines every week. But I don't understand how could i have gotten kicked out before any year 13 th work was due. I got kicked out on 15th but all year 13th work was due in on 18th???????????? Ps on iphone so not uses grammar properly. I have to sue the school but would I see the teacher at the high court date. I don't want to see them after their abusive.
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