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Everything posted by THFC1960

  1. Hi, how did your interview go last Friday? Have they now accepted that your car was stolen by Log Book or do they still hold that it is a civil not criminal matter? Interestingly as you don't say previously, was your uncle the barrister, able to advise you (at arms length obviously, being related), that it was a criminal matter as far as Log Book Loans is concerned irrespective of the police presence?
  2. I post this to help others, so that they do not have to experience the same frustrations and pain I did on the realisation of what was happening. To also ensure, that the wonderful work of this forum is not undermined by those who seek to do damage to it and its members. It would appear, I too have been the victim of CCTV Engineer’s, - “If it appears too good to be true, than it is likely to be just that”, School of nonsense. Unfortunately, I did not heed in time, the warnings of other members to this site like ST220, Nicky Bodmin, HIP_HOP, Applecart and others. You don’t do you, when visiting a forum like this, because you just think it champions just causes for the consumer? I thought it was simply people, helping other people on this site to get justice? But it is now obvious that there are mind games and brinkmanship at hand, not everyone is, who they say they are, and offers of help and advice are on occasion just empty gestures of promises of everything but, the delivery of nothing. Whatever the incentives at play was that persuaded CCTV to write me an email that suggested he was Jeff the Solicitor involved in the OFT case Vs Nine Regions Ltd/Log Book Loans Ltd case, only he can reveal. But write he did.? There is no doubt that this will back fire with disastrous consequences when this is now made public. Hopefully for others, he will not pull the same trick twice. No wonder CCTV feigns connection to a solicitor with 27 years Bill of Sales experience! He is that solicitor! I have included below, that email from CCTV’s (Tom’s) personal yahoo email at 22:57:25 at night! I had been so wrapped up in what is going on around me, that it took my friend to point out that solicitor’s simply don’t normally send out emails at that time of night. They wouldn’t send emails from an unconnected personal yahoo account. And most definitely, would not write such an unprofessional email to an individual that has not been instructed by them and simply sign of as Jeff! The email is littered with spelling mistakes, which I can now see is Tom’s (CCTV’s) trademark and is simply signed Jeff as mentioned above. This is the same Jeff that I now read that Hip_Hop has been questioning whether he exists or not? If such a person exists, it is surely not the person in the email below, nor does Tom/CCTV have a relationship with him to the extent that the solicitor needs to use Tom’s personal yahoo email account late at night, to post questions to prospective client’s who have not instructed him,? Unless of course, you are on another agenda like Tom is than all rules are off? I wouldn’t ordinarily comment on a public forum instead jut electing to move on but this is simply wrong. Others may not think it matters. That CCTV is simply offering an opinion that we can all just take or leave. Where’s the harm in that? But I trusted that opinion because of his self styled expertise; after all, he got his case dismissed against Log Book, had connections with the OFT Solicitor? Was an expert witness for the OFT? All these things built his credibility up in my eyes. Now I question what, if anything, is real in his world of OFT and Log Book? I seriously now doubt anything he states as being fact. Maybe someone like the IMS guy can make contact with OFT and can find out why CCTV is pretending to be the solicitor in the OFT case? Are the Moderators of this forum aware of the exploits this member is up to? To offer opinions as part of a general discussion is one thing but to systematically offer a judgment of value and then pretend to be the lawyer, who has this judgment in hand, is upsetting for questioners like me looking for solutions to my problems. I am not sure what can really be done about this other than to warn others by posting the evidence for all to see in a high profile posting as I am doing now. I have posted below the relevant PM’s sent and received and also emails swapped. No content has been changed with the exception of a small typo which was corrected for the reader in red and the IMPOSTER ALERT that I also highlighted in red, so that other members can easily identify Tom’s/CCTV’s poor attempt to convince me that he was Jeff the Solicitor! I have protected CCTV’s email address to protect his identity but unfortunately he didn’t offer me any protection against wasting over a week of my time. Unfortunately I don’t think I will be continuing my interest with the forum with the exception of keeping this thread alive so other well meaning Caggers aren’t unsuspectingly drawn in to his web as I was. The whole experience has left me feeling pretty deflated by the action of one of its members. The lack of any real communication from Tom/CCTV in over 5 days, despite repeated PM’s and emails should have been a warning too and the PM to tell me not to let Hip_Hop in on the judgment. Now I know why. Well it will not happen again! I do not believe as others have now suggested that this member is a tout for LBL, they I presume would be a lot more subtle. Besides, CCTV- or Tom as is his real first name, is easy to trace, as his yahoo account indirectly tracks back to him and his business that is not associated with Log Book. His motives are therefore not related to working for Log Book I don’t think, but are baffling none the less. I post this only to inform, so that others may benefit without sacrifice. 24th October 2010 12:03 #28 THFC1960 Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Are Log Book Loans Money Laudering? Originally Posted by cctv engineer like i have said to you in reply to your email . our solicitor who has delt with bill of sales since 1983 does know what he his talking about and when he sees a case on here he will act. 5 members he has contacted and have won. lets take stubs you havent seen the outcome on the forum thats all done and dusted. trooper has had a judgment sent to him by me. and i have it here which is the same case as THFC 1960 and we are giving good info. Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much. ______________________________________________________________________ 24th October 2010 18:11 #29 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Are Log Book Loans Money Laudering? Originally Posted by THFC1960 Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much. Hi THfc1960 i will pm you contact details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24th October 2010 18:27 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Hi. Hi please send your detail to the following email and we will arrange a time to talk. regards Tom. tom*****@yahoo.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:THFC1960 To: tom_*****@yahoo.com Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 16:35:49 Subject: CAG PM Hi Tom, Thank you for your PM I look forward to receiving the judgment that you are in receipt of. It was encouraging to read that it is the same judgment that you sent to Trooper's for the same case. I feel so relieved that by having this judgment, I will be able to stop Paying logbookloans.co.uk when I have a Bill of Sale and Consumer Credit Agreement made between Nine Regions and myself. Really appreciate your help with providing the judgment. I know that I will be able to reference the judgment to get the agreement made void or a similar outcome to Trooper? Bless you. Regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th October 2010 18:24 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Hi. Hi THFC1960. jeff will see your email tomorrow. he is only there in work hours. but he will only send it with names taken away except for the judges name. please do not post it back onto the forum and never pass info onto hip-hop as trooper myself and spud all think he is lbl thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Wed, 27/10/10, THFC1960 wrote: From: THFC1960 Subject: Fw: CAG PM To: tom_*****@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 12:07 Hi Tom, Thank you for your PM on Monday evening. The waiting is causing me anxiety as I have not yet received anything from Tom. ? (Typo Should be Jeff) Is everything O.K, does he have my email address? Kindest regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******IMPOSTER ALERT******************** ******************* Wed, 27 October, 2010 22:57:25 Re: Fw: CAG PM ... From: tom ***** ... Add to Contacts To: THFC1960 Hello. sorry my name is jeff. Tom has passed some details on to me about your problems with logbook loans. what i understand is you have been paying a company called logbook loans and your bill of sale is with nine regions. we have looked at too cases were this has come to light. Toms own case and simon from the forum. can you send me a bit more information. items to look out for. which is the name of the solicitor on your bill of sale . areas ----manchester-bolton-wigan-north liverpool-stockport. most around the north west area we can make the bill of sale void. i have only spoken with Tom over the phone for a short time about your problem. so can you please just give me a quick run down about your problem. Jeff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29th October 2010 14:35 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Hi. Hi CCTV Engineer, I havent heard from Jeff on when he is posting the judgment? Is everything OK? Regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30th October 2010 20:17 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Hi. Hi THFC. i do know he has spoken with you but how far he has got i dont know .............. he was with oft for two days last week and i wont see him till monday. i will ask him then. ________________________________________________________________________ 30th October 2010 23:28 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Hi. Thanks CCTV, I was beginning to get worried. He hasn't spoken with me only emailed me. Do you think he will be able to let me have the judgment with personal details deleted monday after you have seen him, as I am really anxious to get matters moving as quickly as possible? I don't as you know need anything else at the mo but am really grateful for your help and assistance. Don't see why they should get another payment to logbookloans.co.uk, if Jeff has the judgment to stop this. Every day is one day closer to another payment that is going to crooks not to the Lender I signed up with. Gosh, hadn't realised how late it is, so off to bed, hope to hear from you soon, Keep well. Regards THFC1960 _______________________________________________________________________ 1st November 2010 20:54 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Hi CCTV, Hope you are well. I am nearly fit to burst in anticipation. When can I expect to see the edited judgment Tom Best regards THFC1960
  3. Hi Hip_Hop it appears you were correct in your assessment. It would appear, I too have been the victim of CCTV Engineer’s, - “If it appears too good to be true, than it is likely to be just that”, School of nonsense. Unfortunately, I did not heed in time, the warnings of other members to this site like ST220, Nicky Bodmin, HIP_HOP, Applecart and others. You don’t do you, when visiting a forum like this, because you just think it champions just causes for the consumer? I thought it was simply people, helping other people on this site to get justice? But it is now obvious that there are mind games and brinkmanship at hand, Not everyone is, who they say they are, and offers of help and advice are on occasion just empty gestures of promises of everything but, the delivery of nothing. Whatever the incentives at play was that persuaded CCTV to write me an email that suggested he was Jeff the Solicitor, only he can reveal. But write he did. The same Solicitor, who CCTV states is connected to the OFT case against the Log Book Loan Company? There is no doubt that this will back fire with disastrous consequences when this is now made public. Hopefully for others, he will not pull the same trick twice. No wonder CCTV feigns connection to a solicitor with 27 years Bill of Sales experience! He is that solicitor! I have included below, that email from CCTV’s (Tom’s) personal yahoo email at 22:57:25 at night! I had been so wrapped up in what is going on around me, that it took my friend to point out that solicitor’s simply don’t normally send out emails at that time of night. They wouldn’t send emails from an unconnected personal yahoo account. And most definitely, would not write such an unprofessional email to an individual that has not been instructed by them and simply sign of as Jeff! The email is littered with spelling mistakes, which I can now see is Tom’s (CCTV’s) trademark and is simply signed Jeff as mentioned above. This is the same Jeff that I now read that Hip_Hop has been questioning whether he exists or not? If such a person exists, it is surely not the person in the email below, nor does Tom/CCTV have a relationship with him to the extent that the solicitor needs to use Tom’s personal yahoo email account late at night, to post questions to prospective client’s who have not instructed him,? Unless of course, you are on another agenda like Tom is than all rules are off? I wouldn’t ordinarily comment on a public forum instead jut electing to move on but this is simply wrong. Others may not think it matters. That CCTV is simply offering an opinion that we can all just take or leave. Where’s the harm in that? But I trusted that opinion because of his self styled expertise; after all, he got his case dismissed against Log Book, had connections with the OFT Solicitor? Was an expert witness for the OFT? All these things built his credibility up in my eyes. Now I question what, if anything, is real in his world of OFT and Log Book? I seriously now doubt anything he states as being fact. Maybe someone like the IMS guy can make contact with OFT and can find out why CCTV is pretending to be the solicitor in the OFT case? Are the Moderators of this forum aware of the exploits this member is up to? To offer opinions as part of a general discussion is one thing but to systematically offer a judgment of value and then pretend to be the lawyer, who has this judgment in hand, is upsetting for questioners like me looking for solutions to my problems. I am not sure what can really be done about this other than to warn others by posting the evidence for all to see. I have posted below the relevant PM’s sent and received and also emails swapped. No content has been changed with the exception of a small typo which was corrected for the reader in red and the IMPOSTER ALERT that I also highlighted in red, so that other members can easily identify Tom’s/CCTV’s poor attempt to convince me that he was Jeff the Solicitor! I have protected CCTV’s email address to protect his identity but unfortunately he didn’t offer me any protection against wasting over a week of my time. Unfortunately I don’t think I will be continuing my interest with the forum as the whole experience has left me feeling pretty deflated by action of one of its members. The lack of any real communication from Tom/CCTV in over 5 days, despite repeated PM’s and emails should have been a warning too and the PM to tell me not to let Hip_Hop in on the judgment. Now I know why. Well it will not happen again! 24th October 2010 12:03 #28 THFC1960 Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Are Log Book Loans Money Laudering? Originally Posted by cctv engineer like i have said to you in reply to your email . our solicitor who has delt with bill of sales since 1983 does know what he his talking about and when he sees a case on here he will act. 5 members he has contacted and have won. lets take stubs you havent seen the outcome on the forum thats all done and dusted. trooper has had a judgment sent to him by me. and i have it here which is the same case as THFC 1960 and we are giving good info. Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much. 24th October 2010 18:11 #29 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Are Log Book Loans Money Laudering? Originally Posted by THFC1960 Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much. Hi THfc1960 i will pm you contact details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24th October 2010 18:27 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Hi. Hi please send your detail to the following email and we will arrange a time to talk. regards Tom. tom*****@yahoo.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:THFC1960 To: tom_*****@yahoo.com Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 16:35:49 Subject: CAG PM Hi Tom, Thank you for your PM I look forward to receiving the judgment that you are in receipt of. It was encouraging to read that it is the same judgment that you sent to Trooper's for the same case. I feel so relieved that by having this judgment, I will be able to stop Paying logbookloans.co.uk when I have a Bill of Sale and Consumer Credit Agreement made between Nine Regions and myself. Really appreciate your help with providing the judgment. I know that I will be able to reference the judgment to get the agreement made void or a similar outcome to Trooper? Bless you. Regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th October 2010 18:24 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Hi. Hi THFC1960. jeff will see your email tomorrow. he is only there in work hours. but he will only send it with names taken away except for the judges name. please do not post it back onto the forum and never pass info onto hip-hop as trooper myself and spud all think he is lbl thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Wed, 27/10/10, THFC1960 wrote: From: THFC1960 Subject: Fw: CAG PM To: tom_*****@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 12:07 Hi Tom, Thank you for your PM on Monday evening. The waiting is causing me anxiety as I have not yet received anything from Tom. ? (Typo Should be Jeff) Is everything O.K, does he have my email address? Kindest regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******IMPOSTER ALERT*************************************** Wed, 27 October, 2010 22:57:25 Re: Fw: CAG PM ... From: tom ***** ... Add to Contacts To: THFC1960 Hello. sorry my name is jeff. Tom has passed some details on to me about your problems with logbook loans. what i understand is you have been paying a company called logbook loans and your bill of sale is with nine regions. we have looked at too cases were this has come to light. Toms own case and simon from the forum. can you send me a bit more information. items to look out for. which is the name of the solicitor on your bill of sale . areas ----manchester-bolton-wigan-north liverpool-stockport. most around the north west area we can make the bill of sale void. i have only spoken with Tom over the phone for a short time about your problem. so can you please just give me a quick run down about your problem. Jeff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29th October 2010 14:35 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Hi. Hi CCTV Engineer, I havent heard from Jeff on when he is posting the judgment? Is everything OK? Regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30th October 2010 20:17 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Hi. Hi THFC. i do know he has spoken with you but how far he has got i dont know .............. he was with oft for two days last week and i wont see him till monday. i will ask him then. 30th October 2010 23:28 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Hi. Thanks CCTV, I was beginning to get worried. He hasn't spoken with me only emailed me. Do you think he will be able to let me have the judgment with personal details deleted monday after you have seen him, as I am really anxious to get matters moving as quickly as possible? I don't as you know need anything else at the mo but am really grateful for your help and assistance. Don't see why they should get another payment to logbookloans.co.uk, if Jeff has the judgment to stop this. Every day is one day closer to another payment that is going to crooks not to the Lender I signed up with. Gosh, hadn't realised how late it is, so off to bed, hope to hear from you soon, Keep well. Regards THFC1960 1st November 2010 20:54 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Hi CCTV, Hope you are well. I am nearly fit to burst in anticipation. When can I expect to see the edited judgment Tom Best regards THFC1960
  4. Well Applecart, maybe CCTV engineer will have no choice but to remark, when faced with overwhelming evidence that he is not being frank with us as I have detailed below.. It would appear, I too have been the victim of CCTV Engineer’s, - “If it appears too good to be true, than it is likely to be just that”, School of nonsense. Unfortunately, I did not heed in time, the warnings of other members to this site like ST220, Nicky Bodmin, HIP_HOP, Applecart and others. You don’t do you, when visiting a forum like this, because you just think it champions just causes for the consumer? I thought it was simply people, helping other people on this site to get justice? But it is now obvious that there are mind games and brinkmanship at hand, Not everyone is, who they say they are, and offers of help and advice are on occasion just empty gestures of promises of everything but, the delivery of nothing. Whatever the incentives at play was that persuaded CCTV to write me an email that suggested he was Jeff the Solicitor, only he can reveal. But write he did. The same Solicitor, who CCTV states is connected to the OFT case against the Log Book Loan Company? There is no doubt that this will back fire with disastrous consequences when this is now made public. Hopefully for others, he will not pull the same trick twice. No wonder CCTV feigns connection to a solicitor with 27 years Bill of Sales experience! He is that solicitor! I have included below, that email from CCTV’s (Tom’s) personal yahoo email at 22:57:25 at night! I had been so wrapped up in what is going on around me, that it took my friend to point out that solicitor’s simply don’t normally send out emails at that time of night. They wouldn’t send emails from an unconnected personal yahoo account. And most definitely, would not write such an unprofessional email to an individual that has not been instructed by them and simply sign of as Jeff! The email is littered with spelling mistakes, which I can now see is Tom’s (CCTV’s) trademark and is simply signed Jeff as mentioned above. This is the same Jeff that I now read that Hip_Hop has been questioning whether he exists or not? If such a person exists, it is surely not the person in the email below, nor does Tom/CCTV have a relationship with him to the extent that the solicitor needs to use Tom’s personal yahoo email account late at night, to post questions to prospective client’s who have not instructed him,? Unless of course, you are on another agenda like Tom is than all rules are off? I wouldn’t ordinarily comment on a public forum instead jut electing to move on but this is simply wrong. Others may not think it matters. That CCTV is simply offering an opinion that we can all just take or leave. Where’s the harm in that? But I trusted that opinion because of his self styled expertise; after all, he got his case dismissed against Log Book, had connections with the OFT Solicitor? Was an expert witness for the OFT? All these things built his credibility up in my eyes. Now I question what, if anything, is real in his world of OFT and Log Book? I seriously now doubt anything he states as being fact. Maybe someone like the IMS guy can make contact with OFT and can find out why CCTV is pretending to be the solicitor in the OFT case? Are the Moderators of this forum aware of the exploits this member is up to? To offer opinions as part of a general discussion is one thing but to systematically offer a judgment of value and then pretend to be the lawyer, who has this judgment in hand, is upsetting for questioners like me looking for solutions to my problems. I am not sure what can really be done about this other than to warn others by posting the evidence for all to see. I have posted below the relevant PM’s sent and received and also emails swapped. No content has been changed with the exception of a small typo which was corrected for the reader in red and the IMPOSTER ALERT that I also highlighted in red, so that other members can easily identify Tom’s/CCTV’s poor attempt to convince me that he was Jeff the Solicitor! I have protected CCTV’s email address to protect his identity but unfortunately he didn’t offer me any protection against wasting over a week of my time. Unfortunately I don’t think I will be continuing my interest with the forum as the whole experience has left me feeling pretty deflated by action of one of its members. The lack of any real communication from Tom/CCTV in over 5 days, despite repeated PM’s and emails should have been a warning too and the PM to tell me not to let Hip_Hop in on the judgment. Now I know why. Well it will not happen again! 24th October 2010 12:03 #28 THFC1960 Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Are Log Book Loans Money Laudering? Originally Posted by cctv engineer like i have said to you in reply to your email . our solicitor who has delt with bill of sales since 1983 does know what he his talking about and when he sees a case on here he will act. 5 members he has contacted and have won. lets take stubs you havent seen the outcome on the forum thats all done and dusted. trooper has had a judgment sent to him by me. and i have it here which is the same case as THFC 1960 and we are giving good info. Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much. 24th October 2010 18:11 #29 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Are Log Book Loans Money Laudering? Originally Posted by THFC1960 Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much. Hi THfc1960 i will pm you contact details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24th October 2010 18:27 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Hi. Hi please send your detail to the following email and we will arrange a time to talk. regards Tom. tom*****@yahoo.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:THFC1960 To: tom_*****@yahoo.com Sent: Mon, 25 October, 2010 16:35:49 Subject: CAG PM Hi Tom, Thank you for your PM I look forward to receiving the judgment that you are in receipt of. It was encouraging to read that it is the same judgment that you sent to Trooper's for the same case. I feel so relieved that by having this judgment, I will be able to stop Paying logbookloans.co.uk when I have a Bill of Sale and Consumer Credit Agreement made between Nine Regions and myself. Really appreciate your help with providing the judgment. I know that I will be able to reference the judgment to get the agreement made void or a similar outcome to Trooper? Bless you. Regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th October 2010 18:24 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Hi. Hi THFC1960. jeff will see your email tomorrow. he is only there in work hours. but he will only send it with names taken away except for the judges name. please do not post it back onto the forum and never pass info onto hip-hop as trooper myself and spud all think he is lbl thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Wed, 27/10/10, THFC1960 wrote: From: THFC1960 Subject: Fw: CAG PM To: tom_*****@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010, 12:07 Hi Tom, Thank you for your PM on Monday evening. The waiting is causing me anxiety as I have not yet received anything from Tom. ? (Typo Should be Jeff) Is everything O.K, does he have my email address? Kindest regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******IMPOSTER ALERT*************************************** Wed, 27 October, 2010 22:57:25 Re: Fw: CAG PM ... From: tom ***** ... Add to Contacts To: THFC1960 Hello. sorry my name is jeff. Tom has passed some details on to me about your problems with logbook loans. what i understand is you have been paying a company called logbook loans and your bill of sale is with nine regions. we have looked at too cases were this has come to light. Toms own case and simon from the forum. can you send me a bit more information. items to look out for. which is the name of the solicitor on your bill of sale . areas ----manchester-bolton-wigan-north liverpool-stockport. most around the north west area we can make the bill of sale void. i have only spoken with Tom over the phone for a short time about your problem. so can you please just give me a quick run down about your problem. Jeff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29th October 2010 14:35 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Hi. Hi CCTV Engineer, I havent heard from Jeff on when he is posting the judgment? Is everything OK? Regards THFC1960 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30th October 2010 20:17 cctv engineer Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2009 Posts 356 Re: Hi. Hi THFC. i do know he has spoken with you but how far he has got i dont know .............. he was with oft for two days last week and i wont see him till monday. i will ask him then. 30th October 2010 23:28 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Re: Hi. Thanks CCTV, I was beginning to get worried. He hasn't spoken with me only emailed me. Do you think he will be able to let me have the judgment with personal details deleted monday after you have seen him, as I am really anxious to get matters moving as quickly as possible? I don't as you know need anything else at the mo but am really grateful for your help and assistance. Don't see why they should get another payment to logbookloans.co.uk, if Jeff has the judgment to stop this. Every day is one day closer to another payment that is going to crooks not to the Lender I signed up with. Gosh, hadn't realised how late it is, so off to bed, hope to hear from you soon, Keep well. Regards THFC1960 1st November 2010 20:54 THFC1960 Basic Account Holder Help the CAG!! Download our toolbar Cagger since Oct 2010 Posts 9 Hi CCTV, Hope you are well. I am nearly fit to burst in anticipation. When can I expect to see the edited judgment Tom Best regards THFC1960
  5. No I haven't received it and have emailed and PM'd CCTV too but nothing in over 5 days. I think I will be one of many expecting a lot but receiving very little, for my patience. Will update you as soon as I hear anything
  6. Thanks Applecart. So no Certificate of Laundering?
  7. So if Log Book Loans don't hold the V5C who does? And why did they want to retain it if they don't hold on to it.
  8. It would appear that I have to post 20 postings in order to paste links etc so will do that and post the important one at the end.
  9. I am putting the finishing touches to a post that I believe will put this to bed once and for all. Please bear with me just have to copy and paste some posts etc
  10. Well Hip_Hop, Nicky and ST220 I think you will be in for a shocking good read later as I have ultimate proof that Hip_Hop may have been on to something with his allegation that Jeff the Lawyer may not be totally all there?
  11. Can Trooper or Stubs please confirm that I am not wasting my time here with waiting for CCTV to send me the judgment?
  12. I have PM'd him and emailed him but no response in over 5 days. He seems to have fallen off the face of the earth
  13. I can't believe what I am reading about CCTV. I am waiting for a judgement from this forum member, which I am still waiting on. Will this not now be forthcoming as promised?
  14. Hi CCTV can you advise/post me the judgment that you sent Trooper that you say is the same case as mine. Thank you so much.
  15. Thank you again for your quick response CCTV. Here is my problem with the the above. If ,as you and others have stated, logbookloans.co.uk is a domain name owned by a separate entity other than Nine Regions Ltd is that conclusive proof that my credit is going to a different company just because the domain name appears on a bank statement? Is logbookloans.co.uk just a trading name on a bank statement and not in reality indicative of the legal entity of the organisation? How do I prove conclusively that logbookloans.co.uk on a bank statement is translated in reality to a separate legal entity other than Nine Regions Ltd? Do you see where I am coming from on this CCTV? Not looking to question your expertise CCTV honest, but know that if I don't ask these questions now, when I have access to an expert would be stupid.? How do I use this without approaching a solicitor? Surely you must have come across what their defense is of this CCTV? Your advice is really appreciated as is your expertise
  16. Thanks for your quick responseCCTV but please excuse my niaivity. I am unclear as to what I should be searching for? Other than "Logbookloans.co.uk" appearing as a debit detail on my bank statements, all my paperwork is in the name of Nine Regions Ltd ? What am I looking for on every bit of paper or searching for on google if that is the case? Thanks again CCTV. I have come across this before but what does this mean in reality? Am I paying the domain name registrant Richard Cook or Log Book Loans Ltd or neither in reality. No doubt, you have obviously come accross this before, so please advise for definite. Which company was credited if it shows up on my statements as logbookloans.co.uk? How did you tackle the logbookloans.co.uk point yourself previously? Thanks for the link CCTV. I have re-read it numerous times. Please can you help me out further? I can't find anything in the regulations that refers to a Laundering Licence, Iam sure it must be there as you are the expert, but unfortunately I can not find it. It's driving me mad. Please can you tell me where to look? Lastly, I wish I had your confidence CCTV that all is so clear and simple? No postings by others that logbookloans.co.uk appears on anyone elses bank statements, does concern me? Please can you help me to understand better how you dealt with this point previously and what was the response and outcome from the other side? A quick response to all of the above would make my weekend and would definitely make you a star!
  17. Thank you CCTV but I don't think I can take any accolades, it is Hip Hop and Justace who have uncovered the homework. Please can you explain what a laundering licence is, as I can not find anything on the web that such a licence exists? Sorry if my original postings above were not clear CCTV but the Bill of Sale is between Nine Regions Ltd and myself. The only company registration number on all correspondence is 04286387 belonging to Nine Regions Ltd . The credits on my bank statements are to logbookloans.co.uk I can not find any reference to logbook Loans Ltd. Hence the reason for my original post. So, who I have been paying CCTV? Is it Log Book Loans Ltd or Nine Regions Ltd or some other company not affiliated to the Bill of Sale/Credit Consumer Agreement??? As you have won so many cars back already from this company, no doubt, this will be easy one for you to clear up? Really looking forward to your quick response CCTV.
  18. I am beginning to worry as I have heard nothing back from anyone other than hiphoop on this, and that was over 8 days ago?? I would really appreciate any guidance. If I am paying the wrong company does my Consumer Credit Agreement stand. What about the Bill of Sale? Does having proof by bank statements that my payments are being credited to logbookloans.co.uk have any bearing whatsoever to whether my car can be repossessed from a street outside my home, if I am paying a different company to that listed on both documents? And if so, how can I prove who payments to logbook.co.uk are really going to? I can see lots of postings regarding Log Book Loans repossessions and Bills of Sales points and various postings from individuals saying check your paperwork, you are paying a different company to the one that made the loan, which I have thoroughly read and re-read. I make a posting that addresses thatI am paying logbook.co.uk directly and no one responds????. I really do need your help, as it is starting to depress me that no one has the answer to this question. I can't fight without your help...and if the answer isn't out there than I am stuffed. So anyone at all that can help me, would be appreciated.
  19. Thank you Hip Hop for your response. If anyone else could offer advice or guidance on this point, or point me in the direction to a site that might be able to help, that would be appreciated. Barbara
  20. Hi, Wonderful site! Have been reading lots-Gosh there is a lot to read isn't there? Read various threads about Nine Regions Ltd trading as Log Book Loans lending the sum with a Bill of Sale as security on our cars, but also read that if the payments go to Log Book Loans Ltd, this is money laundering as they are a separate company and have no entitlement to the security of the Bill of Sale nor the payment as the Consumer Credit Agreement does not have the other company "Log Book Loans Ltd" as party to the agreement. So, got checking. My paying in book is made out to Nine Regions Ltd but I have been making sporadic payments by debit card. On checking my bank statements the payments show up as going to logbook.co.uk What does this mean in legal terms, web domain? Does this mean my payment went to Nine Regions Ltd or Log Book Loans Ltd or somewher completly different? I don't want to call them and tip them off if anyone knows differently. Also paid an agent independently last year, again by debit card and it went to a company called FRADS? which shows up as recovery agents when I checked them up on the internet. My statement and all correspondence have all these credits listed to my account as normal but gives no indication of any other company or companies other than Nine Regions Ltd at the bottom of all correspondence. Can any one help me understand if I have been a victim of money laundering or not? Thank you Also tried to edit title of thread to put an n in Laundering, but it won't let me LOL Barbara
  21. Thanks Hip Hop, have removed my name. See you have had a judgment against log book loans. Well done. That must be a first as I can't find any post in the listings that has a judgment against them? I believe someone had their bill of sale set aside but no judgment that can be used by others and another who their case agreed in advance before their hearing so again no judgment that others can use, so I look forward to see how others use your judgment to their advantage. Thanks for your response it gives me peace of mind to know they can't get a copy of my log book without my permission, but would like to hear from others how I can safeguard my car as they have a Bill of Sale and my car is essential as a single mum.
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