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Everything posted by clarealex

  1. Its thanks to people like yourselves who take the time to advise and help people like me that I and many others have finally found the courage to stand up to people like muck hall.
  2. Ok- just emailed mack hall back. Basically put what you have written Dx- thanks for that Told them communications now over- the standing order has been set up so I'll now just sit tight and let them kick up as much fuss as they want !
  3. Latest email received from Mack Hall Dear X I have spoken to a manager with regards to your refusal to provide an income and expenditure, and have been advised that I am correct in saying no payment plan will be accepted unless it can be justified. Regards I'm just going to email back and say I have XX amount left each month after priority bills have been paid and that a standing order has been set up to repay £20 per month. If that's not acceptable then they can take me to court as I can't be bothered to keep arguing the toss with them !
  4. The original amount was for £800 back in September after months of already rolling it over. I tried making repayment plans with quick quid but they wanted it repaid over three months which I couldnt afford so I gave up trying to come to an agreement and waited for it to be passed to a DCA. The last email I received from QQ was in October and they said the outstanding balance was £1069. After looking back through my emails to mac hall though I've noticed that they have never actually stated how much is due to them? Thanks for the letter Bazooka Boo- I shall use that as my reply. Only wish I had the nerve to send yours Dx Thanks everyone for your help, I shall keep you updated
  5. Well I have just received this email from mac hall Dear XXXX All debt management companies should send your income and expenditure details to your creditors. I have never once came across one who has refused this information on the basis that they are not 'legally obliged' to send this information. Unless we recieve this information, then obviously we cannot accept your reduced offer as it hasnt been justified. You may well think your offer is fair and reasonable, which I would assume it would be, but again the paperwork has to be sent to back that up. If CAB have indeed taken over your finances then they will write to us with the information, if not we will request this from them directly as a debt management company would not be able to offer their assistance to you without first knowing your full financial situation. Regards In my mail I didnt say that the CAB had taken over my finances just that I had been given some advice. Not really sure how to reply to this- may just send them the I&E form from the link above
  6. Thank you so much for your replies everyone. I will email them back and say that they are not entitled to copies of my I&E and that £20 is all they will be getting as that is all I can afford- then let them huff and puff about it. Had they not sent a letter out to my work place then I may of sent it to them just to show willing but I am so angry:mad2: about the letter that they can go without the I&E form now. I will let you know how I get on. Thank you for the link though silver fox that has come in handy for my own personal use. Thank you again
  7. Hi, I was wondering if someone could give me some advice please. Last year I defaulted on a quickquid loan and eventually it got passed over to mackenzie hall. They set up a repayment plan of £60 per month. The debt is for £850. This is to be reviewed in two months time. I have so far kept up wth this plan- itds been roughly 3 months now however now I am really struggling to repay this amount. I am on maternity leave and once essential bills have been paid I don't have much left at the end of each week and I am basically living hand to mouth. I emailed mackenzie hall asking if I could reduce the repayments to £20 per month then review it again after 3 months when I would be in a better position to repay more each month. Here's the problem though- I told mackenzie hall in my email that I had been to see citizens advice worked out my I&E and this was the amount that we felt was a fair and realistic amount o offer as repayment- this I admit though was a lie as I had not been to citizens advice. I felt that if I had told them that I had then it may improve my chances of them accepting the reduced repayment offer-I know stupid of me!! Now mackenzie hall have emailed back and said they can only look at reducing my repayments once I get the CAB office to send in my I&E sheet which of course is not possible. I reallly do not know what to do about this- I have already received one letter at home when I was late making one payment and one letter that was sent to my work place regarding this debt when they first got in touch. I really do not want the other half to find out about this. Any advice on what I can say in reply to Mackenzie Halls request for I&E from the CAB office would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Has anyone any advice please before I send off cca requests and emails to the companies Many thanks
  9. I am after advice on how to go about sending CCA requests to payday loans and catalogues. Here is my situation: 1. Quickquid loan- owed £1069, currently with mckenzie hall repaying at £15 per week with standing order- originally a loan for £900. 2. Wonga-owed £700, currently on repayment of £10 per week with standing order, roughly £600 left to repay. 3. Txt loan-owe £100, with interest £117 is due to be repaid on the 12th of this month.- they have my current card details. 4. Payday express, owe £400, rolled over once already for £100, now £500 due to be repaid on the 15th of this month- they have my current card details. 5. WDA, owed £350, on repayment plan of £40 per month by standing order- one payment left of £59- however this includes £36 set up fee for the repayment plan- due to be repaid on the 6th of this month- unable to make repayment- nothing heard from them as of yet. 6. PDUK- owed £550,on a repayment plan of £50 per month by standing order, £200 left to repay, due 6th of this month.Been given until tomorrow to pay or further collection procedures will commence. 7. Additions direct ( catalogue )- £900 owed, missed two payments now on repayment plan of £66 per month as they would not except any lower amount- to be paid 22nd of this month- £450+ of this debt is made up of late payment fees accrued over the last couple of years. I also have three credit cards which works out at about £45 per month in repayments and a personal loan of £150 per month. I am currently on maternity leave and receiving £125 per week plus £20 in benefits. I very very stupidly and out of desperation took out the payday express and txt loan whilst on maternity leave without stating that i was on maternity leave- i know how stupid this sounds, but believe me it was pure desperation- to pay household bills after my partner due to personal reasons was unable to make this months rent and council tax payments. All other companies are aware I am on maternity hence the reason for the repayment plans.These loan were taken out last year with the view of having them repaid well before I went onto maternity but due to a combination of having to take my maternity leave early- baby was premature and other unexpected bills they were rolled over for several months. My plan was to send each company a CCA request just to bide me some time until next payday when I can continue with the repayments. However as the due dates for most of these loans are within the next day or two would I be best to email them to let them know I have sent a CCA request- I have them written out and ready to post today- and that I shall be refraining from making any further payments until valid CCA's are received and then I shall continue with repayments- this may stop them from phoning all day long. Should I copy every company onto the same email so as they are aware of exactly how many creditors I owe to and I am not favouring one over the other. Please believe me that I am not doing this as a way of avoiding my debt-if valid CCA's are received then I shall restart payments somehow. It has just got to a point where there is now no money left to repay anything this month- council tax and rent alone was £400.
  10. Oh yes of course I have every intention to do so. I get paid on Tuesday so will be making a donation then- as said I have used the refund to pay back loans, so Tuesday I will have spare cash from my wages and will definately be making a donation Again- thank you so much for your help:-)
  11. Called creation again this morning to see if I could have my money transfered straight across to my bank account. They said they would do this- wasn't really holding out much hope though! Just logged onto my account and I have been credited with £1052! :whoo: Before having chance to start flitting the money away which is how I got myself into a mess to start with with regards to payday loans, I have cleared my wonga balance £590- 2weeks early than scheduled, saving nearly £100 in interest I've Paid two extra weeks off the rent I've Paid next months council tax Paid £117 to quickquid-on a repayment plan of £117 a month:-D Now just too hear back from St.Andrews regarding the creation mis selling PPI:-) Thank you so much to the guys on hear for helping me and making this christmas worry free !! Please all keep up the good work:-)
  12. Hi Kitten, just a word of encouragement Last year I reclaimed all charges from barclaycard and got back £1400- sorry can't remember how much of that was interest. It was relatively easy too- SAR request sent- added up the charges and sent a template letter.Received a reply about 3 weeks later to say they were refunding my charges by deducting the amount from my outstanding balance-which was £2100. As soon as they refunded me they dropped my credit limit to £750 and said I was no longer able to make cash withdrawals- as if I would be bothered by this lol ! Good luck
  13. Payday express still not got back to me- I have their bank details so do you think I would be best to just repay the £400 today and email them to let them know- just a bit worried they may take full payment out again on the due date
  14. Hi - I took out a payday loan for £400 with payday express on the 3rd December- and now due to a change in circumstances I do not need the loan. On the credit agrrement it says: 10. You have a right to cancel this Agreement for a period of 14 days, beginning with the day after this Agreement is signed by us. You can do this by giving us written notice to Express Finance (Bromley) Ltd, Kent House, 41 East Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1QQ or fax on 0800 652 4662 or by e-mail at customersupport@paydayexpress.co.uk i. If you cancel the agreement you still have to repay any money lent to you and any administration fee (if applicable). If you do not exercise this right to cancel, you will not be able to cancel at a later date. ii. If you cancel this Agreement you will have to pay to us any money lent to you as soon as possible and in any event within a period not exceeding 30 days from the day when you exercise your right to cancel. They signed the agreement on the 3rd, so if I have read it right then I have 14 days from the 4th (the day after they signed the agreement) to cancel which would be todays date- the 18th. I emailed them early hours this morning and several times through today to cancel the loan and asked them to take the original loan amount of £400 back out of my account. I can't see anywhere about any admin fees added to my loan, just a £400 loan with £100 interest. I would call them but don't have access to a phone right now- waiting for BT to come out and repair it. I have heard nothing back from then and from past experiences with payday express I have found they are not too speedy on replying to emails. After today though the 14 day deadline to cancel my loan will have expired. I know I have left it right until the last minute but did not realise that I would be able to repay until 1am this morning when I checked my bank account and I'd had some money go in which I wasn't expecting for another week. Do you think I should just leave it now and only repay the £400 when the repayment is due? I have kept a copy of all the emails I have sent to try and cancel the loan. Confused though as don't know if the 14 days would of expired midnight last night or midnight tonight? Sorry it's a bit long winded and confusing ! Any advice would be greatly appreciated Clare
  15. I haven't received any cheques yet. I called creation today to see what was happening as I was told a letter would be sent to me to confirm full repayment of all charges claimed-which I've not received. My account is now standing at £1052 in credit- when I spoke to them on the 15th I told them I wanted the money sent out to me ASAP- preferably within a week. I have emailed them today to say that they can just transfer the money across into my bank account- it's my money after all ! - and no doubt they will try to hold on to it as long as possible. Is there a time limit to how long they have to send the money back to me?
  16. I'm in a similar situation- I applied for a £100 loan from txt loan and the lady I spoke to said I could have a £200 loan and repay £220 on the 24th, I agreed to this as I will be able to repay it no problem-the £200 went straight into my bank however when I looked on the website at my agreement it says that I have taken a loan for £100 and to repay £110 on the 24th- wonder if anybody will notice this mistake or not
  17. Last year I successfully reclaimed £1400 back in mis sold PPI from Alliance and Leicester. I have now done a SAR to send to them as I remembered that I had one other loan with them previous to the one I claimed from and although I no longer have the paper work I am presuming I also had PPI on this one too. My questions are: (1) Is there a time limit for reclaiming PPI- I think the first loan would of been taken out around 2000-2002? (2) Because I have already claimed PPI back on the second loan would this affect any claims made on the first loan? (3) I don't have the account number for the first loan but I have given the account of my second loan and asked for information on all closed accounts in my SAR- will they be able to send me the information for the first loan without an account number? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Clare
  18. I have just called creation to see what they were doing with regards to my claim as I had informed them that I refused their original "goodwill gesture"" of £534. I've been told that a further refund of £964.67 was being applied to my account, making the total amount of refund £1498. I told them I wanted the money sent out to me in a cheque and not put onto my account and to also cancel my account once this had been done. I also asked for a confirmation letter to be sent out today which they said they would do. Apparently a manager needs to sign for the funds to be released to me, I said that I want this done within the next 7days and they said it would be. I expected to have it dragged out for months, but the person I spoke to was quite nice, even apologetic- it seemed a little too easy !! Ok- I don't want to get too excited until I have the cheque in my hand- I will let you know as soon as I hear anything else. Clare
  19. ok just an update. Got home from work and have received a letter from creation. Main points from it are: (1) As a gesture of goodwill we have arranged partial payment of £443 plus £91.13 interest. This sum has been set off against any sum due from you to us. (2)Payment is made entirely without predjudice to our rights and without any admission of liability. (3)No further charges will be refunded and therefore in order to avoid incurring charges in future you may wish to consider a monthly variabke direct debit on your account. What has really made me annoyed though is their complete stupidity. A couple of weeks after sending my letter reclaiming charges- by recorded delivery- I emailed them to see what was happening with regards to my case. I stated in the email that I knew they received my letter on the 19th November as I had tracked it on the post office website and seen that it had been signed for. Creations are denying receiving the letter and asked if I could forward them the tracking number( I do still have this luckily)- but oh my god- if they had not received the letter then why are they offering me a refund!!! Obviously they got the letter!! They haven't just wrote me letter offering £534 refund for no reason have they !! - also I received a letter from them on the 4th December thanking me for my correspondence(the recorded delivery letter) and that they were looking into my complaint ! - so how can they now deny receiving a letter?? Am I missing something here?? Anyway rant over- I am putting together a letter now rejecting their offer and reclaiming the full amount.
  20. That one work- thanks silverfox:-)
  21. Yes thats what I thought would be best too dx thanks for the reply.I will begrudgingly return any cheque sent out ! I am unable to go to the reject offers link posted by marooned- is there another link anywhere I could use for a template- thanks clare
  22. Thanks for the advice- the girl I spoke to today said she didn't know much about it but assumed I would be getting a cheque through for £88. Do I send this cheque back to them and carry on for the £1400 or do I deduct the £534 from my original claim then carry on trying to claim back the remaining £900? £88 would be nice to have at the moment but don't want to jeopardise trying to get the full amount back by accepting it. Thanks for any advice Clare
  23. Hi- need a little help please with what to do next. I called the creation this morning just to check what my balance was and it is now in credit by £88. I spoke to one of the operaters and she said that £534 had been applied to my account as a goodwill gesture and this is the amount that they feel is fair and a letter is to be sent out showing their findings. Obviously it is a long way off the £1400 in charges that I had claimed for. Would I be right in refusing this offer and pursuing the full amount of £1400? I don't want to seem like I am pushing it but I also want to be able to claim back the full amount I am entitled to. £900 would also get me out of my financial difficulties and I would at last be able to sleep properly at night ! Once I receive the letter from creation is there any template letters I can send back to refuse their offer and request the full amount? or can anyone help out with wording as I am not very good with writing letters. thank you in advance with any help Clare
  24. Just an update regarding my reclaim for charges. I received a letter yesterday fro creation to say they are disappointed to hear that I have found reason to complain about the way my account has been run and that they will look into the complaint and I should receive a reply within 20 working days.
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