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  1. thanks for the suggestions i'll ring the post office phone number in the morning. i have copies of the letters i sent so i can easily send another copy to there other address (wish this had occured to me the first time) but i cannot get to the post office till the weekend the funny thing is ive had no phone calls and no letters since i sent my letter which tends to suggest they have received it. Hi Big TJ sorry to hear your having similar problems with Link they have caused me some sleepless nights but the members on here have helped me put things in perspective. it doesnt what they say you owe its not worth your health. take care Blu
  2. its been over a fortnight since i sent link the recorded delivery letter but the post office tracker still says its in transit. not sure what to do if ive got no proof they have received the letter i assume i have to give them 12 days from when the post office confirms delivery. my concern though is that the address i have for them is a PO box so who signs for a letter never done this sort of thing before so not sure how it works. anyone got any idea? cherrs Blu
  3. ive send them a letter complaining at there treatment and suggestion for raising funds ive also sent the letter harrassed senior posted for me including the option for them to stay away from my home so i guess i give them 12 days and see what happens
  4. thanks all i haven't written to them yet (had my kids over the weekend) but i have a couple of questions: why do we send postal orders and not a cheque and why not sign my letter i would do as advised im just curious as to why. thanks all for the advice my guilt is shrinking fast as i realise just how worried these people have got me what gives them the right!!
  5. thanks for the moral boost guys. I'm still coming to terms with all the acronyms that get used on this site but I'm learning slowly. my problem is that i do feel guilty because i know i owe this money, but am getting fed up with been made to feel like a crook because my finances took a wrong turn. its not like I'm not trying to sort it out. i don't know whats involved in sending a CCA or what the out come means. ive read stunned_moneys thread and it sounds good don't understand what it means. if a debt is unenforceable does that mean it just "goes away"? unless i fully understand something i find it difficult to stand my ground on the subject. i have a number of creditors most of them are happy to take what i can afford but i while ago i got involved with cartel who said they could write off a lot of my debts on a no win no fee basis but they went under and left me out of pocket by £1300. so if there is a way to do this myself can anyone explain how or is it to complicated a subject to cover on here? i owe about £50k after my wife ran off with her boyfriend and left me with some debts (divorce ain't cheap!!) and then a deal with my brother went south leaving me (& him) with a lot more debt. so if theres a way to reduce my overall debt then any clues on how to do this would be gratefully received. i found this site looking for help with link financial but if the information ive found on here can help then maybe i will try my luck with some of the others too.
  6. hi all Ive had link financial on the phone again. Ive been to my bank and mortgage supplier and told them of the pressure I'm been put under. both have supplied me with letters to say they will not extend me any more credit. link have asked me to email them copies of these letters, but they will be getting copies of them by recorded delivery. i offered them £20 a month (can afford a bit more but figured they would push for more so kept my offer low) but he just seemed to let my offer just slide past. this debt is mine it was a credit agreement to buy a holiday club but at the moment i don't have the funds to keep up the payments they have given me a week to explore other options told him there aren't any but just didn't want to hear it. this company has got me back to sleepless nights all the debt recovery company's Ive dealt with have been fine as long as i was making an effort to pay. Ive got most of them to agree to me paying them directly but now i don't know weather to get some one like cccs involved just don't know what to do for best any further advice will be greatly received many thanks Blu
  7. Hi All im i new member on here. i found you while doing research on a debt recovery company called Link Financial and in all honesty what ive found on here scares the life out of me!! quick history i got into debt after my marriage ended and a property deal went pear shaped. i ended up not been able to repay my debts and got involved with a debt manegment company called Chase Saunders (stay clear if you can) they helped at first and got my debts down to a managable level. all my creditors but one was happy to take what i could afford but GE Money would not accept what i could afford Chase Saunders advice was to let the debt default and then we could deal with the debt collection agent. i didnt like the idea but they were the experts (not). ive just managed to discover that Chase Saunders put themselves into volentary liquidation in June they have still been taking my money but not paying my debts. so today i stopped the direct debit and contacted all of my creditors to set up payments directly. that was when i found that GE Money had sold my debt to Link Financial so i rang them to try and come to some arrangement. they were very "understanding" and said they only wanted £1700 as soon as possible that a payment plan was not an option. it was suggested that i approach my mortgage company to raise the finances. or that i could get a loan off the internet (he did say this was not ideal as it would be expensive). he even suggested i could borrow cash from family or friends or even get a friend to get a loan for me. i was told that they would need proof if i was turned down by my mortgage company because it would look better if i could prove i was trying to find a way to pay the debt. so i started looking into them on the internet and found this site so i need some advice and quick because they are ringging me back on thu evening. ive just about arranged to pay all my other creditors using the amounts chase saunders set out for me only one of them would prefer me to use CCCS or similar and i was going to talk to them again now i have all the others agreeing to take payments. what im wondering now is would i be better to get involved with the CCCS because then at least i would have a recommended repayment amount by an independant third party. this isnt what i want to do (im sick of been let down by third parties) but im looking for advice, any suggestions would help after what ive already read on here. cheers..
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