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Everything posted by Amejade

  1. Hi all, Have just received a 2nd letter from Ruthbridge in a week. Googled them straight away and checked my credit history. Not very pleased with what I found on the internet about them. The debt they say I owe does not appear in my credit file so I presume that if this was owed it is over 6 years old. Though I do recall that this debt was settled over 8 years ago and have never received a letter about it since until now! So why are they chasing me for something that does not exist. What should I do? Ignore or write a letter to them, I know never to ring them. Thanks for your help x
  2. This morning in the email box was our stament of debt from debt company. Its not too bad till you get to the bottom, Admin, Initial Attendance and Finacial Management fees total over £600. Valuation fee? how can they value when not been in property. I would also like to ask as the debt is in my OH name can they only claim for goods in his name only? He has nothing of value, no car (can't drive), no computer or mobile phone. If I paid total owed to SW + court costs can I let the court know and SW that payment has been made direct to the Debt company? Thankyou for all the comments it has been a great help and easier to show OH than explaining.
  3. Thanks PT Have emailed requests to SW and the Courts after calls to them requesting the paperwork. I am still waiting from the Debt company (surprise surprise) to email the total debt and breakdown as agreed. I have told them once I know what all the figures are we can then talk properly. If i havent heard from them by the end of the day i shall be sending a reminder, by email and by post.
  4. We are still in the same house, a few years ago got something sorted and paid extra ontop of original yearly bills. I do not recall any court papers being sent, only red letters from SW for this year which has been sorted direct with them. No letter showing the amount we are being chased for.
  5. Hi Have had a call from SW stating we can pay this years bill direct to them but any previous whill have to be done through the debt company. Have just got off the phone with the so call company and I am now left shaking. To stop any more visits they want £1000 straight away and to sort out payment plan for the rest another £1000. The bill with SW is just over £1000. Can they ask for so much money in one go? Also what are they charging, have asked for a break down to me emailed to me today. All this for a debt we didnt know we had. Thanks, i'm still shaking
  6. Thanks PT, I am treading carfully with SW making records of everything said. Having another conversation with them tomorrow before I ring Sherforce again. Thanks for clearing CCJ and HC for me found it a little confusing
  7. Hi, I'm also having a Sherforce thing going with SW also a simular sum owed. Have you tried to talk to SW they had told me how much my debt was with them as Sherfocre would not give me the whole picture. I am currently sorting something out with SW and will get back to Sherforce after. I have also done a CCJ and HCJ online search with Registry Trust cost me £16.00. I was able see that we have not got a HCJ against us as Sherforce had stated in their first contact letter so i know that charges will be lower than what they will be saying (they havent told us yet). In the mean time keep everything closed and locked till something is sorted and confirmed.
  8. Hi thank you for the replies so far. I have checked my OH has a CCJ dated Oct/09 and looks like its from SW and its is over the £600 mark. Have checked Sherforce website and numbers/names do match so it's looking authentic. Gave SW a call this morning and the guy was really helpful. He confirmed that an enforcement has been made and that the debt is a mixture of various years. I asked if we could pay the full debt direct to the them and he confirmed that this would be ok. He has passed our details over to litigation depart incase of the option to set up a payment plan is needed. We will be contacted within 48 hours. If we paid the whole debt off direct to SW would that just leave court costs outstanding with Sherforce? How much as a guidence would this be? Many Thanks.
  9. Have just done an online search for a High Court Judgement against my husband and the report has nothing registered though there is an out standing Orders and Judgements from Nov last year with Northampton CCBC not sure who that debt would be with.
  10. I have been reading many threads concerning Sherforce and yes we got (rather my husband got his name only) a letter on our door mat from this company. The letter is very badly printed on cheap paper stating this is a warning notice visit by HCEO regarding our debt with SoutherWater (again only my husbands name on bill). I can't seem to find any court letters but have found original final notice letter from SW dated 3 months ago £290.53. What I found strange that there was no amount of debt on the letter and to contact Gary & Sue by fax or email no direct phone number. As I have said the letter is badly printed and could just make out a phone number on the letter head, so i gave that number a call. The guy on the other end had never heard of Gary & Sue!! and also said that there should have been the amount we owed on the letter and as it is just my husband name on the letter we have to write an email confirming that he is giving me permission to deal with them . My husband works very long hours and is a tech fobe so there is no direct way to contact him. The guy has given me his direct number and name and all contact should be done through him and that there will be no more visits. I am worried that this small bill will be esculated due to their cost and fees. Would it be best to pay SW debt direct to SW then sort out the rest with Sherforce if this was a genuine letter. Am I also to expect any more surprises from Sherforce they sound like a nasty piece to deal with. Many thanks for your comment.
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