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  1. Thanks Zamzara Since I last posted on here I have had a letter from Tower Hamlets replying to my letter, in which they have completely backed down, cancelled the PCN and told the bailiffs to pay me back! Amazing news and so quick. Just need to get the bailiffs to cough up now... Cheers
  2. Thanks very much for that info. I didn't receive any paperwork at all, until they turned up at the door. Have I got grounds to appeal that they didn't send me anything else even when they found the new address? Any other advice on the fees themselves as well would be appreciated. In particular the two 'Enforcement fees' and the 'Canx Tow Fee'- can I appeal to anyone that this is too much to charge? Thanks
  3. Hello If anyone can help me I'd be grateful... Last week I had a visit from the bailiffs and (perhaps stupidly) ended up paying nearly £700 to stop them towing my car away. This was for a parking ticket that I never received as at the time of the ticket my car was registered to an old address and my post was not forwarded. However by the time the Warrant of execution went out I had updated my address, yet I received no warnings until the bailiffs turned up at my door. I've sent off an out of time appeal and have written to the council. My next question is whether the fees I've been charged are legal. I've had a breakdown as follows: All these also contain a VAT charge except the debt Debt 185.00 First Letter 11.20 Finance Check 20.00 Enforcement fee 105.00 Visit Fee 1 57.00 Canx Tow Fee 90.00 Payment by C/C 19.63 Just to reiterate I received no other visits from them. Also, is 'Canx Tow Fee' a cancellation of the towing away??? I was told I would be charged for the car being towed, not for cancelling this as well??? Any advice appreciated...
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