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  1. i still monitor the threads and my case is closed but i just think i might be able to give advice to someone in a similar situation to me. Paper maker, just send second LOD right away with stick with guns and dont worry.
  2. unfortunatly i dont have the faintest im not the least bit computer literate. I havent had any issues with passwords being changed and stuff since i stopped playing wow and i also have a new netbook now so im just hoping that will be the end of it all. We actually got accused of downloading twice once in jan and the second at the time of my mothers death. when the first one came through i thought my husband had done it lol, what a blazing row we had. he maintained his innocence right up untill we got the second letter and realised something was amiss. Its not just peoples reputations that are on the line its marrages too. I just urge anyone to stay strong if you know u are innocent then you will be ok. i hope you all get the letter from acs law too because i know how streesful its been for me.
  3. the letter i sent was my first LOD. My commie was hacked repeatidly this year. i used to play world of warcraft and they hacked my account three times and managed to get passwords and all sorts. they even recently reinstated my dormant account and my friend phoned me and said 'hey im following you round while you mine!" anyway i can only conclude it was to do with this, i still recieve dodgy emails daily on the mail address i use for wow asking me to follow this link to confirm my acc etc so its still unresolved. I'm begining to realise how easy your whole life can be accessed via the internet and its quite frightening.
  4. i think my case was probably dropped because on the day i was being accused of downloading/uploading i was actually attending my mothers funeral some 350 miles away after a two year battle with cancer.
  5. thanks guys its a releif even though i knew nothing would come of it anyway. its nice not to have it hanging over my head. i hope everyone else gets the same response.
  6. i recieved a letter from acs this morning saying that their 'client' is dropping the charges and no further action will be taken, i should bloody think so too!
  7. he better not bloody send me any flaming more letters, i was one of the sky users who's details were leaked in their emails so he can kiss my fat hairy arse! Sorry about that.
  8. so i take it that none of these companies will be able to get fresh prey till then whoop, shame christmas will be tough for them this year with out the 'bread and butter' payoffs
  9. i read all the stuff u posted last night and its a disgrace i hope to god they finally do something about this guy and if i get anymore letters from him ill sue his ass for leaking my personal details onto the web
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