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Everything posted by WhatToDo1

  1. If its o2 like me, you get a discoount on broadband if you have your phone with them. So your phone number will be linked i'm guessing. So I am also taking a punt that o2 are possible giving all the info they have, not just name and address...which means they will also have mobile number. If I am right with this theory they will have my mobile to as I'm on o2. I could be completely wrong on this theory, it's just a guess (I tend to over think things too!)
  2. I will look forward to getting a phonecall, i would very much like to tell them what I think of them. They SHOULD have received my LOD by now, i hope they ring to tell me they're not accepting it. I'd like to see them try and tell me they have talked to my neighbours, one neighbour knows i don't listen to dance music and despise it, the other neighbour, well I'd like to see them get information out of her, she's never in.
  3. Your not the only one expecting that. Since the leaks i have been expecting to hear in the news that he's commit suicide or something.
  4. The story from the bbc on the TV this morning was repeated at lunch too, cos my mum shouted me when she saw it, so i'm guessing its also going to be on the 6 o'clock news too
  5. hey i'm watching x factor! And i have heard enough about Ministry of Sound to last a lifetime...i'll stick with my punk music haha
  6. How long ago did you get your first letter? I sent my LOD to my first letter yesterday and woke up in the middle of the night and remember i didn't sign it. What will they do, will they just write back and tell me they won't accept it because i didn't sign it? I'm kinda worried about it all again now, even though I know I didn't download it.
  7. I'll get him to phone tomorrow and ask for them to do that.
  8. Thanks, i'll try writing to them, i searched for him online but could find nothing. The hospital didnt seem to know where he had gone to, that was the first question we asked when we went up there to find out what was happening.
  9. Yeah we only know its off the paramedics letter because the DVLA said it was. All i can assume is that the GP has sent a copy of this letter, which we know he has cos he has shown it us.
  10. Last august my dad had a minor stroke, then in october last year he had a big stroke where he was only given a 50% chance of survival. While in the ambulance he had a fit enduced by the stroke, the paramedic, when writing his account of what happened, wrote a term (can't remember what it was offhand) that the GP said meant "Epileptic fit", though the GP disagreed and said it wasnt an epileptic fit. So 7 months after the event, my dad got a letter from the DVLA saying his licence was being revoked from the time of the event. He has rung them and they said his licence was being revoked because of the epileptic fit, so he got his GP to write saying he was fine to drive, as the DVLA had suggested he did, still they revoked his licence. His GP has now wrote 3 times telling them he is fit to drive, still no licence. They say they need confirmation from a consultant, a consultant which has left the hospital. He is due to get his licence back on the 5th of october, after ringing DVLA again, they said they are not issuing it until they have confirmation from this consultant (even if it has gone past 5th oct which is 1 year clear after the stroke). We have been to the hospital see if they can help, they have the letter there and say "it will be dealt with in due course", but DVLA seem to be saying they want this particular consultants confirmation which they obviously aren't going to get. So now I am wondering is there anything else I can do that might help this process along since DVLA are being stubborn and not accepting the GP's word that he is fit to drive.
  11. I've read through a good part of the thread and found it interesting... I got a letter of ACS:Law on friday, and i must say it scared me to death (calmed slightly since i read this forum though), it accused me of downloaded "101 housework songs" on the 30/03/09 which i have never even heard of...i looked it up on amazon to see what it was...not my sort of music, i mean i'm into punk and rock. I have read though but i'm not sure what to do still...do I write back with my letter denial? I've wrote to Which? for advice (no response yet), and as soon as i got it I rung o2 (not much help there), and i also rung trading standards. Still a bit nervous about all this even though I know i'm not guility. Doesn't help when i know this could effect my career (I work in IT). Sorry I'm probably worrying about nothing...
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