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  1. bike arrived today,ronnieunhappy is now happy.thanks to everybody for help and advice.
  2. good news argos rang me today asking if i want the bike repaired or replaced,i said i would like a replacement.they are now sending me a new bike by courier on friday 24/09/10.i will still shop at argos but with caution don't want this rigmarole after the 30 day no quibble thing.i must say the guy on the phone was very good he apoligised for the inconvenience caused to me.i'm very very happy now.
  3. thanks for that blitz should i wait to say what argos comes back with,or just get straight on to trading standards.at the end of the day its a bike but its the principle of it all its realy getting to me.
  4. sent off independant report to ACTION GATE today by recorded delivery.although the report satates that the part is bent and the wrong type of cable is on the bike and no wear and taer,fear i may get a letter back from argos still asking what caused the fault,i'm sounding a bit stupid here but can they ask for another report.been on other sites and its mixed messages ,some say you do not need a report within the first six months as the reatailer has to offer a repair at the least (i do not need to prove anything).others say the retailer can request a report after six month if this is true what the hell am i doing sending a report.can anybody clarify whats what to my situation . i understand the sale of goods act but it seems to me that nothing is written in stone
  5. argos emailed me back today once again asking for a report on what the fault is and what caused it ,and the cost of parts and labour to repair the bike 'i managed to get a report from a very good bike shop today.it goes like this the mech at the rear of the bike this thing changes gears is bent,the guy at the shop asked was the bike assembled or or did it come in a box i said it came in a box and he said that the part could have been bent during packing or transit or when i unboxed it this is a very grey area to prove or dissprove.the other thing that is wrong with it is the gear cable is not a gear cable instead its a brake cable the lad said its no good because the brake cable has stretched its not designed for the job intended changing gears and another thing no wear and tare on the bike.have got to send report to ACTION GATE.
  6. thanks for that blitz.i am very angry with argos shopped with them for around twenty years they have had a lot of business off me ,have had the odd problem in the past but argos have put it right sraight away.got to wait till tomorrow now for check on bike another day gone.
  7. i sent argos an email at 6.00 pm tonight of my plight at around 8.30 pm they emailed me back apoligising for the fault with my bike,they then asked me for the order number and my home address to wich i gave so now got to wait for another email from them.yes i have got the bike booked in for tomorrow to be looked at.i have never had this crap with argos perhaps the recession is biting lol
  8. it seems a shame you were dis-honestly honest had you been taken to court you maybe would have got a £200 fine and that would of been the end of it
  9. ronnieunhappy


    hi all i bought a bike from argos 19/07/10 it has a fault it wont change some gears i took it back and spoke to the manager.he then went on phone to call center and they said i have got to get an independant report so they can send it to the manufacturer i then said to the manager under the sale of goods act the bike is not fit for purpose and my contract is with argos the retailer not the manufacturer,he then got back on the phone to the call center thier reply was i still need an independant report.
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