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  1. Hi there, I am new to the Forum and am wondering if anyone could help me with my query. I got a car from ACF in April 2010 and my finance company is Cygnet Finance. The amount I pay per month is £199 and at the time that I took the car out I could easily afford this. My partner and I have split and I am currently struggling to keep up my payments, I owed £199 on 1 September 2010 but could only afford £82 which I paid on 15 August 2010. Cygnet called me and I advised them of my situation and that I would be able to pay on 15 September 2010 so he said that was ok. Yesterday I received a default notice from them advising me that if I did not pay by 18 September 2010 then I would have to return the goods to them. I am not sure that I am going to be able to make the payment as I had to take 2 days off on unpaid dependancy at work and this equates to what I would have paid them. In October I get a bonus so plan to buy a little run about but need this car till 15 October 2010 otherwise I can not get to and from work. My question is, if I do not pay Cygnet on 15 September 2010 how long will it be before they reposess my car? Will they reposess it before 15 October 2010? Thank you in advance. Katy
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