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A UK Sofa Manufacturer

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Everything posted by A UK Sofa Manufacturer

  1. A 5 year guarentee as standard is excellent, most other outlets offer the statutory 12 months guarentee.
  2. I think you are missing the point. You can be disgruntled with an employee of any company, but take it with the employers. Unless **edit** has a stake in the company, I think your barking up the wrong tree. I don't know what you do for a living, but can you imagine if your company policy was very poor, and you upheld this policy, and as a result your name was turned to mud. Perhaps the pressured of providing for a family forced **edit**to keep her position, perhaps she hated her job? Perhaps she just wasn't very good at customer service or perhaps she was a monster ? I don't know but unless she was the MD i'd reccomend leaving her personally out of the complaints???? Only a thought and only my opinion. The violin is out - before anyone else says it. 8-)
  3. As a manager within a UK furniture manufacturing unit, but as an outsider to the Exclusive Leather Sofa problem I might add, I have to agree with the **edit** family. Although some of the stories regarding **edit ** sound very poor, as far as I understand she is (or was) only an employee. If she was a director or owner then this personal abuse is warranted, as she would be directly responsible for the actions of the company. However in my opinion, it is the responsibility of the company owners / directors to remove any member of staff they believe are acting inappropriately that includes **edit** as a manager, or any member of the team from delivery to accounts. This would suggest, that either **edit** employers were unaware of the way in which she handled customer service and complaints......, unlikely given the number of posts, or they were in approval of her actions and the decisions she made. There is obviously a lot of pain and anger in the air, but directing it to a employee or former employee is not the answer and unfair in my opinion, irrespective of the business or nature of the complaints. :|
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