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  1. Hi, I have traced this bunch of crooks all the way back to LORDS DEPARTMENTAL STORES LTD that went into liquidation around 1987. The directors seem to have a couple of mansions near Gaydon, looks like it has been a bit of a family wheeze for at least 20 years now taking deposits for designer goods, delivering rubbish goods if at all and then folding the company to start again. They have a pipeline of Limited Companies that they swap around from address to address, name to name and director to director. What the hell Companies house are doing other than putting forms in a filing cabinet I don't know, one company has Gary Lord as a Director and Garry Lord as a Company Secretary both of 1 & 2 Heritage Park. Considering that you are supposed to have two people to run a limited company that is pretty clever. Best of luck getting any money back. I have a "loaner" sofa from these clowns that I am now going to have to replace. Being as I appear to have been conned by some fairly serious crooks I don't even know if this thing in my living room is even fire retardant let alone safe for my children to play on. Ho hum SOTF
  2. I did try and find some details of who to report to at Central News to bring them up to date, not very hard I must admit but I did try. Tell me ..... what purpose would revealing peoples identities serve? And why are you so interested? This is a consumer action group and people are perfectly entitled to preserve their anonymity. People posting here have suffered actual financial losses at the hands of the individuals concerned, nobody has slandered the company as far as I can tell only revealed their personal experiences. Peoples experiences of ....seem to have been less than pleasant which leads me to two possible conclusions, either ... was suffering extreme stress as a result of the situation that .... has been placed in by the company and it's owners or I am afraid that she was in on it. We have already had representatives from ELS providing an email address on this forum for people to contact when in fact all dealings should now be with the official receiver, (though I note the absence of a representative to be brave enough to come on here and advise people to contact the correct receiver, for there are at least two). . I ordered my sofa months ago, have ELS even ordered let alone paid for any sofas in that period or did they merely go out and spend the amount I handed over on Beer and polish for that Hummer that was parked outside the store? As a bit of free advice to any people that have lost money to ELS, I personally would not contact them directly via this site but instead get in touch with the official receivers, the addresses of which have been posted earlier. Please DO NOT reveal your actual identity on this board, and please do not try to contact ELS directly. As a company they are supposedly in receivership so cannot help you anyway.
  3. Only Central news could report on a huge fraudster ripping people off as a Credit Crunch story. No wonder these crooks get away with it with people as sharp as Andy Bevan on the case.
  5. and another one: THE SOFA PEOPLE LIMITED 41 ST ANDREWS ROAD BORDESLEY BIRMINGHAM WEST MIDLANDS ENGLAND B9 4LW Company No. 07298693 I think that everyone concerned should realise that this is not simply a case of shocking customer service.
  6. and another company: LEATHER SOFAS LIMITED 41 ST ANDREWS ROAD BORDESLEY GREEN BIRMINGHAM B9 4LW Company No. 05105111 was Exclusive Leather Sofas Limited up until 5th Aug 2004 think I am going to have to start a spreadsheet to keep all this information in, it is getting too much, a little digging and you start to unravel huge amounts of info.
  7. Found a few more: SOFA SUPERMARKET LIMITED 41 ST ANDREWS ROAD BIRMINGHAM B9 4LW Company No. 05554849 This appears to be an office that they operate from 1 & 2 HERITAGE PARK HAYES WAY CANNOCK STAFFORDSHIRE ELS (Luton) is registered to 41 St Andrews Road, but has 2 directors that are registered to Heritage park. (I am glad that companies house are keeping an eye on this, what kind of frauds could be completed if a register of companies had no spot checking going on.)
  8. That is all very well and good, but what [problem] is ......moving onto next? Or do you think he is simply retiring to his mansion in Gaydon? I wonder if that is why ELS (Luton) Limited (Not the same company as ELS Limited or Leather Lords Limited) have moved their registered office back to 41 St Andrews Road in Brum? Company name: ELS (LUTON) LIMITED Company Number: 07286409 Company Type: Private Limited Registered Office: 41 ST. ANDREWS ROAD BORDESLEY BIRMINGHAM B9 4LW B9 4LW Bureau File Activity: 16/06/2010 New Incorporation 05/07/2010 Registered Address Change 29/07/2010 Registered Address Change
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