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Everything posted by amck

  1. It took about 10 days and I gave my bank copies of my letters that was sent to Leather Lords & the Finance Company and also printed off the information about ELS and that did the trick for me. I once the forms were in I left it a couple of day and phone the bank and was on the phone with them for about 20 mins while they verified the information and stated that all was okay and I would receive the refund in 48 hours got it in 12. Good luck just keep on with your bank and they will get it sorted quicker for you.
  2. I have been refunded by my bank today for my debit card payment.. . Just got the finance company to deal with and I should have all my money bank that I have paid out. Now to find another sofa, I did not want to look until I had this resolved.
  3. You will need to send a letter to ELS demand goods or refund within the next 7-14 days. This letter shows to your bank that your a being pro-active in trying to receive your money. Your bank should send you a declaration form in which you can claim your money back. I sent mine in yesterday and have been assured I will get the refund, after paying by debit card... fingers cross, not going to beleive it until it is back in my bank! and see above post, as I reported them to Trading Standards and they got back to me directing me to this site as proof of a winding up order which should help with your bank.
  4. Try the link below from Trading Standards in relation to Leather Lords & ELS, this site will be updated once Trading Standards has more information birmingham.gov.uk/tradingstandards
  5. This is the address for Leather Lords Ltd, in Birmingham. They changed their addresses to the Birmingham Branch address in March, I have manage to find their address through a bit of research but left the details at home. If people are interested I will post their address later, once I get home from work as I have left it there.
  6. Oldchurch, it clearly state in your agreement that no money will be taken from your account until your are in receipt of your goods. They should not of taken a penny from your account until they have a copy of the delivery note, as the agreement has been broken in all areas they are breaking the law in taking any more money. Stop your payments
  7. I am also a victim from this as all of us on this site, we gave our money in good faith only to have that destroyed by people of this nature. After reading these threads and also promise of a sofa delivery this week, I went up there to find that it shutters were down and the locks being changed by the landlord. The landlord also stated that they owe him 7 months rent to the tune of £23k, I have his number and he is going to give me as much information as he can about who is now dealing with this administration. I paid £1000.00 deposit with my debit card and have spoken with my bank who have assured me after I sign a declaration from the bank I will be refund, so it is worth getting in touch with your bank and state that 'card details was given in good faith that contract would be completed and unaware that the seller's had no intention of completing the transaction. Basically fraud!!' The balance of my settee was through finance to whom I have contacted, and they have been taking money from my account even though the goods were not delivered. The Finance Company can not take your money until they have physical proof that delivery was made, and as they do not have a signed delivery note stating that I have received my goods they must reimburse me for what they have taken from my account. They were told by Leather Lords that I had received my goods. Obviously I have cancelled any further payments that may come out of my account. Then spoken with Consumer Direct, who state I can hold the finance company equally liable under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and was told to write to both companies sending a copy of the letter sent to Leather Lords to the Finance Company (even though you know Leather Lords are never going to receive their letter), stating I want either my goods or my money back within 7 days, which I have done and will send recorded delivery today. Once I know more, I will let you know.. hope some of this may help a few people in the best way to go. Unfortuately if you paid cash you have no come back.
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