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Going forward

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Everything posted by Going forward

  1. I rent a ground floor flat from the Housing Association. There was a leak from the flat above (also circle 33) which poured into my cupboard over a period of weeks. (Just found out today after I noticed a stench which smelt like a gas leak). It has ruined the electrical items stored in the cupboard, but circle 33 has stated that they will make good the leak from above and damp proof my cupboard, but I will have to claim on my own insurance for the items damaged. Is that correct? I thought they took responsibility but I could be wrong......
  2. So I decided to complain to Barclays (all the letters from DCA originated from them) about the post i was receiving and they investigated. Outcome was that they have sent a letter of apology and deposited £177 into my account with ombudmans details if I am not happy with that. I have been assured that it will not affect my credit rating as it is someone else's name on my address, but still am not sure...
  3. thx guys - will go down that road if I get another letter. Will keep you all posted.
  4. I am always open to trying more than one avenue if it works dodgeball.......Brigadier gave me advice that I used and I will wait and see if I get any further letters. If I keep getting them then I will see what else I can do that may work
  5. Forgot to say on the back I have written "If I receive one more letter from your company in this persons name, i will forward it to the financial Ombudsman and make a formal complaint."
  6. Received another one today - just wrote in big red letters "not known at this address - return to sender" Is there anything else I should be doing?
  7. Nothing as yet - received another one that looked like a payslip and just wrote in big red letters "not known here - return to sender". will update if anything else happens.
  8. okay so I am going to do Brigadier's way and will report back as to what happens. Hopefully I will not hear from them again and they go and do their job properly.
  9. Thanks Brigadier - I do not have the original envelope, but will just put their return address on the back of another envelope and return. Is that okay?
  10. Morning I received a "confirmation of residency" letter from Westcott's on Thursday stating that they have established that ****** is the resident of my address and to contact them for payment. They are acting on behalf of Barclays. This person has never lived at my address and if they had looked at the electoral roll they would have seen that I live with my sister. Do I send them a letter stating this or is their something more official that I could send? Thank you
  11. capital one still own the debt, so I shall carry on paying £2 to credit solution and send them nothing.
  12. I just need a little advice - credit solutions have written to me and said they might consider my offer if I fill out an income and expenditure form and any doctors information that I have. They definitely are not getting any medical info, but should I send a I & E form?
  13. Thank you so much Brigadier:-D
  14. So Cap1 have passed my details onto Credit Solutions. I have offered them £2 but they have declined it and they want detailed income and expenditure information, with copies of my wage slips, receipts and statements. Shall I stick to my guns? Do I have to send them this information. They do not even own the debt....
  15. Received a letter from Fredrickson stating that they will not be dealing with my account any longer and go back to Cap1 for payment arrangements.....very weird. Does anyone know if this is normal procedure?
  16. UPDATE: I posted my second letter to Fredrickson on Monday mentioning that I am sending a complaint to Capital One and fos, and lo and behold by Friday (yesterday) they had sent me a reply stating that they will accept my £1 payment per month with all their bank details. Same with Cap1 - after ignoring my previous letters they sent a letter this morning saying that due to a high level of complaints recently, they will get back to me within 4 weeks, but are committed to resolving my complaint. That will do until my head is clear again.
  17. I have sent my complaint letters to Cap1 and Fredrickson and also spoke to fos this morning who have opened a complaint and once they received copies of all my letters will take it to next stage. In the meantime, I am paying Cap1 £2 per month directly through my bank (still have my card number) so they cannot say that I have stopped paying. have I forgotten anything? A bit flaky at the mo because of medication so want to confirm I am on the right track.
  18. No thats the thing - in the letter it says defaulted from 16/2/14, but on my file there is nothing there. I thought it might be updated this month with my details.
  19. I checked it and it still says Cap 1 - late payment - and the initials AR. So it looks as though they still own it.
  20. Okay - my sister is helping me with this as my focus is a bit flaky. She looked through my papers last night and found the default letter from Cap1. In the letter they say that my account has been terminated. At the end of the letter it states that their nominated representative will contact me which has turned out to be Fred's. So it seems like Cap1 still owns the debt, am I correct. If this is the case do I still carry on paying cap1? I still have my credit card details which I have been manually paying on a monthly basis - will it get to them?
  21. Thank you Mods for merging my past thread as I was having problems finding it. As Cap one still own the debt, and Fred are acting on their behalf, I am going to keep paying my nominal amount to them. I will also be sending a complaint to fos in regards to both companies especially Fred trying to intimidate me with threats of litigation and ignoring my letters. When my head clears a bit and am off the medication, i will go down the CCA request route, and also start claiming back charges as they have put quite a bit on.. Thanks for reading guys, it helps to get things off my chest
  22. Thanks for the quick reply renegadeimp. I think Cap one still own it as Cap sent me a letter saying that Fred are acting on there behalf so i do not think it has been sold. Will definitely be complaining to FOS.
  23. I have been paying all my other creditors monthly and even Vanquis are accepting my small monthly amount, but Cap one who I have been paying have passed my details onto Fredrickson. I have sent Fredrickson a letter stating what I will give them per month but that has been ignored. Today I have received a letter saying that they have made trace enquiries and that if I do not contact them immediately my details will be passed for litigation proceedings. What does this mean? I am struggling with what to do as I am on heavy medication so thinking straight is a bit of a struggle for me. I REFUSE TO TELEPHONE THEM I am going to send an official complaint to FOS regarding Cap and Fredrickson. Should I send another letter to Fredrickson stating what I am going to do, and send a copy to Cap one?
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