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  1. Hi All, First thanks for your kind replies and apologies for not coming straight back to you. I wasn't on the laptop for the past few days and it was too much to explain within a phone email! Again apologies. Right back to the issue I hope your now making a full recovery after your ordeal. Sadly at the time of the ops etc they noted I had inflamation in my tummy but didn't look any further. A few months later I became unwell and after a number of tests was found to have coeliac disease. As this went undiagnosed for so long I had severe damage to my stomach and wasn't able to absorb various nutrients etc. I've recently had to undergo weekly transfusions and as a result had my employment terminated last week - but onwards and upwards hey! Your GP did the right thing admitting you to hospital with unexplained and unresolving abdominal pains. Abdominal pains can be caused by a number of reasons and if unresolved will need further investigation before putting you through an unecessary anaesthetic and surgical procedure. It is not uncommon to have to wait for surgery due to further investigations, such as Ultra Sound Scans, Blood Tests, Urine Tests, etc, or more serious cases taking obvious priority for theatre slots. Did you have any of these tests? I had blood tests, the dreaded 'test' and appendicitis was confirmed after discussions test and medical history given. I was placed straight on nil by mouth and told I would go to theatre in the next few hours. This continued for four to five days. You say you had surgery but your Appendix was not removed............what was the nature of your surgery? and where was your scar? The surgery I was told would be to have my appendics removed. It was keyhole surgery through belly button and right side. You say you had a reaction to the Anaesthetic.............. ...what happened? I came round from surgery in recovery and instantly went back out. All I remembered was them calling the consultant back. The next time I woke up back on the ward. I needed nebalisers as the rection had left me sick, grey looking and exhaserbated my asthma which is normally non symptomatic. You say you were in pain following this first surgery, this is not uncommon. Any surgery causes post operative pain which should be effectively controlled through the care of the Pain Team and Anaesthetist. I was in increasing pain after the surgery. Not at the point of the surgery that was painful but not bad but still felt exactly the same as before surgery. There are lots of different pain relieving medication (Analgesics). I remained on morphine and a drip. You say you had a drip following your first operation...............t his is not uncommon as any abdominal surgery can cause nausea or vomiting so the patient is advised to be Nil By Mouth for a few hours or days depending on the surgery. A Drip will prevent dehydration. I'd been on a drip throughout but as the days progressed I wasn't eating and told two or three days later that my appendics hasn't been removed because the surgeon thought it looked okay. As a result in all I was nil by mouth for ten days and I was placed on a drip similar to that given to anorexics. It burnt through my veins until I was crying. You say you had a second operation to remove your appendix. What were the reasons given to you for the surgeons not removing your appendix with the first operation? The second op was to remove my appendics. The consultant advised the surgeon thought it had looked okay so left it there. The one thing that glares out from your account so far is why did you need 2 operations to take out your appendix? If surgeons do abdominal surgery for any condition they normally remove your appendix at the same time to prevent problems with appendicitis in the future. Hope this helps answer some of your questions. They hoped I would recover and didn't tell me until I was in tears and a meeting was demanded. Anymore questions jst pop them down and I'll answer Thanks all, Gem x
  2. Hi, In March 2009 I went to my GP with stomach pains. He advised to return if they got worse. The following day the pain had increased so I returned to the GP who admitted me with possible appendicitis. I was seen by the surgeons etc & advised I would need surgery. Four or five days later I had surgery. I had been told it would happen as an emergency and remained on nby for four days. I had the op but came out of surgery. I was still in pain and had a reaction to the anaesthetic. Approximatly four days later I was still in pain and no better. I was then told my appendics hadn't been removed and I would have to go back to theatre. I went back to theatre a number of days later & this time felt instantly better. In all I had to be placed on a drip because I was nil by mouth so long my body showed signs similar to anorexia sufferers (it was a sodium/potassium drip that burnt through my veins) I was told to put up ith it as long as I could but was in tears. I had extra scars from the second op & was told the stitches were soluble. They wern't and were later taken out by my GP. By this time infection had set. Some were left and I took 2 out myself - the last being in May. I currently hv lawyers looking into it but jst seeking advice. Thanks x
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