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  1. wondered if anyone can help basically i went on holiday and gave my permission to drive my car to have if repaired , to drive on his 3rd party insurance extension which he assured me he had, he owns a nice car and is fully comp , while moving the car another car hit him, he claimed on his own insurance and they comfirmed on several occassion he was insured to drive my car, but 3 weeks later his insurance company have decided he wasnt insured. the other partys car which was in the accident is now claiming from my insurance even though i wasnt the driver and my insurance company say they have a legal obligation to sort it out because they insured my car. my insurance company have also doubled my premium as it was due for renewal, i am getting penalised on insurance premium, 2 years no claims took from me and having a claim on my insurance , and i wasnt even driving, any advice from anyone
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