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  1. I bought a house in 1989 with my late wife but because I was going through a divorce at the time my wife bought the house in her name only and she completed the mortgage application. That mortgage application was completed with incorrect information using the help and assistance of a mortgage broker who was never licensed under the CCA and I believe has since gone to prison, although I have no proof of this. My late wife said on the application form that she worked for me, she never did and she also misrepresented her income. The person who arranged the mortgage was a mortgage broker who was complicit in misleading the mortgage company. I did not know any of this until my wife died. I have not got probate sorted out although I think we are close to this now but the Bank are attempting to repossess the house as I have not been able, due to ill health to pay the mortgage since shortly after my wife died. Can anyone help with who regulated mortgages in 1989, as far as I can tell it is not the FSA as they were not around so do they fall under the CCA 1974 rules? Also do I have to pay for a mortgage on a home I lived in that was obtained through false representation by the legal owner of the property who is now dead. I am due to inherit the house but I will lose my rightful inheritance if the bank take the house as a result of an unlawfully obtained mortgage, I cannot afford legal fees so I am lost and have a court hearing next week.
  2. I have a mortgage granted in the early 90's through a broker who never had a consumer credit license. The broker no longer trades, in fact I am told he has been to prison since but I cannot prove that. I have searched on the OFT site and cannot find a record of him ever having had a license. Does this help me at all? I read on the OFT website that credit agreements without a license are not enforceable, does this apply to mortgages? After 13 years of labour legislation the picture is now so confusing I do not know where to look. Is it FSA or OFT or what? I have just found out about this and have repossession hearing on the 7th of September.
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