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Everything posted by AuraTodd

  1. Thanks for that link locutus, i will not be returning to Talktalk. Will I have to put that to them in writing please?
  2. thanks, neighbour next door is in a panic as he has just received his dreaded letter this morning.
  3. A group called Swan Advocacy can help me if i am lucky, Salisbury CAB can be a bit abrupt with people with special needs. My writing is brilliant but when it comes to maths etc it's not so good. I have a friend who has downs, ETOS stopped her money because they insisted she was fit to work.
  4. the letter states that I may have to attend a work capability assessment what ever that is. I will have someone with me because a lot of what they may ask me I probably won't understand. I have to reply contact them within two weeks of receiving the letter. The letter is dated 23rd August. So what would the date be two weeks after today please? I cannot work out figures or numbers, thanks.
  5. I have received a letter from the DWP saying I they are going to send me a form because I have to attend a medical which will determine how much benefits I will get. *I am very worried about this as I have learning difficulties and I am not good at filling in forms, also I would like someone to come with me when I go to this medical if possible (preferably a lady). * I have chatted to other people and they say that this medical (By ATOS) is set to fail anyway, and It would take a long time for an appeal to come through, and in the meantime my money would stop which would be awful. *Please can you help me with this, I am worried sick and unsure what to do? * Many thanks.
  6. Look into you Indian call centre that's going to shut you down for eternity more like!
  7. I am interested in your site but its not up and running yet. i have had probs with this appalling company and i think seriously they should be shut down. See my other post about TalkTalk mobile.
  8. On August 22nd at 4.30pm I went into Car phone warehouse in Bournemouth to ask an sales assistant if he could ring up and ask for a PAC code, as my old one was wearing out and I wanted to upgrade to another handset. I had rang TalkTalk mobile previously asking if I could move my mobile phone bill to an upgraded handset, but I was told this could not happen. When I got though the man at the end in the Indian call centre asked why I was leaving and I explained because my handset was wearing out, and I wanted to upgrade to a better handset through Carphone Warehouse. He kept putting me on hold for long periods and when I asked for the PAC code I couldn't understand what he was saying so I had to ask him politely to repeat it. I have borderline learning difficulties and find it hard to hear things. When he gave me a PAC code, the Car phone warehouse assistant said it was not correct. The TalkTalk supervisor at the call centre kept insisting I hang up and call back again from my land line. This I couldn't do as I wasn't at home and it was a long journey back. Eventually I was put on hold for over half an hour and never even heard back from them! It was 5.30pm closing time by the time we got anywhere, I feel this is not good enough for a service they promise to so many customers in the UK. I feel I have been treated unfairly and this is appalling way to treat a customer. I will not be returning back to TalkTalk as the service which used to be very good and fallen considerably. I am now worried that after my last bill has come out of my bank, that they will attempt to take more money at the end of the following month. How do I stop that please? Please can you help me sort this please? And apology would be nice, but I am not holding my breath.
  9. Thanks, everytime I searched they said there was a charge How you do that please?
  10. Good evening all I wonder if you can help me? I would like advice on getting a new microwave and I am not sure if to go for a kenwood or a Sharp, I was wondering if those of you with a Which account could help me and tell me what the best one is please? Many thanks and hope i am not being rude asking?
  11. Is that £10 a month unlimited broadband? That's cheaper then TalkTalk I think. Also with the phone, is it cheaper after 6pm and do they do a calling circle??
  12. How much do they charge for it? i don't want the TV just the broadband and telephone please?
  13. Is post office broadband and telephone better then Talk Talk?
  14. I am with Talk Talk at the mo and they are ok until something goes wrong and i have to call customer services. I can't understand what they are saying and they don't often understand the problem, often putting the phone down and cutting people off if they don't like you. I spoke to a lady who is with the post office and says she is happy with them. So is anyone else with the post office? if yes, can you tell me what you think and if they are better?
  15. I couldn't understand talk Talk either, who are you with now if you don't mind me asking please?
  16. Yeah will speak to her later and see what she says there's negetive coments about all the energy companies
  17. Thats what i was hoping my social worker would do,but they are being stupid and buracratic at the meoment.
  18. Hi she's a friend of mine who is a consumer I think and not a distributor as far as I'm aware of. I know her from the spiritulist church. the guy she recommended to visit me to is a distributor who has known her for a long time.
  19. I am worried about getting myself into a mess and regretting that I should have stayed where I was. I don't want debt collectors at my door demanding money because I have learning difficultie's and I couldn't take that. I just wish I could find a social worker or someone who could just take the time to help me instead of hiding behind all this red tape of obstruction. So your opnion is that Ultility warehouse isn't that bad?
  20. Hi thanks for your replies, that has got me confused now. I did a search on U switch and they are above EDF but not right at the top. First Utility seemed the cheapest, but when I read the review they were not very good. I would like to move from TalkTalk as their customer service is really awful. I cannot understand what they are saying and I don't think they really understand the nature of the problem anyway. i wanted to speak to their superior, but they just wouldn't let me so that was the nail in their coffin for them. My friend is with Utility Warehouse and says she is happy with them, she was the one who recommemeded me to them. I looked at the reviews of Utility Warehouse on U switch, someo of them were bad but a lot were OK, the reviews seemed a bit more positive then EDF anyway and a little better then First Utility which seemed the cheapest! Can you advise me please? I have rearranged the appointment for next Wednesday until I can find someone I can talk to. Everytime I try to talk to a social worker, they say they are too busy or say they can't help me. No wonder people get into a right old mess!
  21. Never knew it was American, might test it out again for good measure.
  22. Hi I hope this is the right forum? I am looking for a mattress and I wandered into a second hand shop, and saw a new memory foam double mattress with springs in as well by Everest. My old mattress is slowly wearing out and I can feel the springs a bit now and it twangs from time to time (not often). The mattress is priced at £175.00 with £35 delivery. althrough the woman whom I next saw quoted £25. I have curvature of the spine and I do sometimes get achy hips in the morning so I don‘t want it too hard. Please can you advise me, my dad wants me to save my money and go for something a bit cheaper. But I am not going to get any better then that. I have laid on it and it felt weird because of the clear plastic covering that was still on it. I have seen one at £299 at another shop which was by a manufacturer called Viscount, but I liked that one because the cellophane wasn’t on it and I could feel it properly. Can you advise me what I should do please? Sorry if this is a silly question? Many thanks for reading this post.
  23. Hi Please can you advise me? I hope this is the right forum. I am with Gas and electric EDF at the moment, and also pay my land line phone and mobile with Talk Talk (their customer service is awful and I cannot understand what they are saying). My friend is with Utility warehouse discount club and says she is very happy with them, I am thinking of changing as I am fed up with not getting any help from the Talk Talk customer services. They wouldn’t even let me speak to a supervisor! Is anyone else with Utility warehouse discount club? I have read some reviews, some of which are good, others saying they are terrible. many thanks and hope you can help me?
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