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Everything posted by aliceinw

  1. Hi Thanks for replying - in response to questions yes company 2 is still in existence and I am the executor. I have asked Company 2 for a copy of the benefits and to be fair they have been helpful but they have said that as it wasn't a contractual benefit it didn't form part of the tuping over process. I just think as Company 1 made such a big deal of the benefits and that she then had DIS on Company 2 then it should have been honoured by Company 3 - my sis didn't earn enough to be bothered by Inheritance Tax so we aren't talking a lot of money but it would help my niece when she leaves college. Think I'll try Company 3 to see if there is anything they can do as previously when I spoke to them I didn't have any evidence that DIS had formed part of her contract in the past - it was just a rumour.
  2. Hi I was wondering if any one could give me some advice about whether a Death in Service benefit can be claimed by someone who has been tuped. My sister died earlier this year and had been working at the same site for a number of years. In that time she had been employed by three companies and been tuped over to do the same job - I have managed to get copies of the contracts for two of the companies: 1st company - I have a copy of the contract there was no death in service but the tuped document specified that extra benefits would now be available from the new company. 2nd company - I have no contract but I was told that there was a death in service benefit but it was discretionary - I have an email from the company stating this 3rd company - No mention of death in service in their contract but it did say that "a copy of your previous terms and conditions should be forwarded or without evidence" the new companies terms would apply. I'm just trying to do the best for my niece so could the second companies death in service be applied to the last company my sister worked for if I had a copy of the second companies contract even though they have said it was discretionary. Any help in trying to sort this out would be appreciated.
  3. Thanks - managed to google a good article by using those dates to pass on.
  4. Hi Thanks for all your advice and especially the calculations you did Sweet Lorraine and that article goodatresearch - I now know what I'm been charged out at and I do know the finders fee rate. Not done the calculations in full yet but I can see that compliance with the 12 week rule is going to be my best option at the moment for the length of the current contract - like I say my boss at the council is cool, I think she realises will be a bit of a false economy to get shut after 12 weeks and then train someone else up. I am PAYE so the self employed stuff doesn't apply - not bothered about pension stuff just want goes into my bank account to be a fair wage for the job I do so hopefully these new rules will help.
  5. Trying to keep this brief and have read a bit on it but still not sure. I started work at the local council as an agency worker beginning of July - the council requested Level 3 (agency pays £8 an hour for this) and as the work wasn't too high level thought it okayish - not great but a job - no one else did this role and it was to help out for 12 weeks. After 3 weeks I was offered a kind of promotion being in charge of Admin for the department and a chance that this will last more than 12 weeks - it's still Level 3 no hassles with that. What I am concerned about is that from my reading on the council jobsite is that Level 3 wages are 15875 up to I think 18500 - as my £8 an hour rate works out less than that, could I potentially ask for in 6 weeks the same rate from my agency that the council would pay a directly employed worker? The agency did witter on a bit that I would get the same holiday rights after 12 weeks but no mention was made of comparable pay. I'm lucky my boss at the council is quite cool - I mentioned something about this to her this week and she said she would show me what the agency were charging me out for and I know she wants me to stay - so maybe I can put something together that I would be better on their books than on the agencies cost wise for the length of the contract. If this doesn't happen - would just like to know if anyone knows where I stand after 12 weeks re what my wages should be. Thanks in advance:roll: Clare
  6. I know this is probably really simple and I think I might have an idea of the answer but just wanted some confirmation. My niece has apparently got ticketed for being an ambler gambler but the offence happened back in May and she has only found out today. Just wondering if there is time limit for when the notice should have been issued - three months down the line seems a bit slow and pushing it. Thanks in advance Clare
  7. Atlantic have gone over to with standing charge - I was on their non standing charge rate as I tend go away a lot - was told that it it was out of their hands see post above but to be fair the girl I spoke to did offer a refund without prompting from me. I'm a pretty low user and from my conversation I don't think there are any out there now that offer non standing charge rates - I've found them fine unlike some other utility companies and their standing charge plus rate does work out better for me than being on the non standing charge rate when I'm home.
  8. Quick update - rang the company last week and surprisingly was quite straightforward - no arguments though I'm glad I got the info and now know the difference between a quote and estimate. New bill this week for less than I was expecting so really pleased with the outcome. Thanks for the advice.
  9. It may be worth if you are a really really low user to ring your gas/electric supplier to see if they will give you a refund. I rung up Atlantic today only to query why I was on a standing charge when I'd signed for non standing charge rate - got the blurb about how it was out of their hands and it was to simplify their bills. However because I had zero use of their service between Dec and March as I was away they've agreed to refund it - shocked a bit and I'll not be totally convinced till I see my next bill that I've been given a credit - that said when I'm home and using gas/electric it does work out a bit cheaper to be on the standing charge rates.
  10. Cheers for the advice - does say on the quote for the replacement of pipework to both appliances, still got a copy of it - it's a bit light on detail re breakdown of labour and parts. Will give them a ring tomorrow and see if we can come to some agreement about a reasonable cost - fingers crossed:-)
  11. Hope I've posted this in the right place and someone can advise me. Last year on my annual gas check, a leak was detected so the independant contractor capped my supply to the gas hob and fire. I finally got a quote for the work last month and this was based on replacing the pipework to both appliances - seemed reasonable so I agreed to the work being done. When the guys turned up they found the leak was in the actual gas fire so the pipework there didn't need to be replaced (which was the awkward bit of the job) - the hob pipework was replaced as it was apparently illegal. Finally got the bill last week and I have been charged the full quote, which doesn't seem right as it was lot less of a job than I was quoted for. Can I challenge them on this or was me agreeing to the quote a binding contract that I would pay £x regardless of the amount of work involved? Any advice gratefully received. Thanks
  12. Hi This is on behalf of my mum and I hope some one can advise us - have tried reading a few of the B & B threads but can't find any from someone in a similar position - I'll try and keep it brief. About 10 years ago my mum took out a mortgage on the house next door with the intention of renting it out - she already had a mortgage with the Bradford & Bingley so went into the local branch to speak to an advisor. She explained that she wished to let the property and keep her present home as her main home. She was advised to take out a loan for £10,000 and have the remaining £28,000 on a 30 year mortgage - the product recommended was a 6.49% B0f E Tracker10 to 01/02/10. The branch was fully aware that she already had another mortgage as the personal ID verification on the mortgage states she was an existing borrower . For 10 years she has not missed a payment but last week she had a letter saying the direct debit was no longer valid - we had cancelled some DD's on her bank account just to tidy up her DD list but had left the last one that was taken active - I'm not sure what is going on as the payment was then taken so she is not in arrears. The problem is that in trying to sort out the misunderstanding she mentioned that the property was rented - something she has never hidden from the B & B - the advisor then said she was on a residential mortgage and he would have to report it to his superiors. Today she received a rather nasty letter saying that she would have to redeem the loan in full and remortgage the property with a buy to let provider and went on to say if she continued to let the property without their consent she would be in breach of contract. My mum is now 65 and retired and did try a few months back to switch this mortgage to a repayment one but was told because of her age that would not be possible - though I am not really sure why she was given a mortgage at 55 that was meant to run till she was 85. I am going to write to the Customer Service advisor who sent her the letter but I suspect they will deny my mum's version of events - we have some paperwork going back to 2000 but it does not say whether the mortgage was buy to let or residential. My mum is really upset about this as the advisor she spoke to last week implied that she had taken out the mortgage under false pretenses. Has this happened to anyone else and is there an alternative course of action she can take if they come back denying my mum's version of events. Hope someone can help. Thanks
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