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Everything posted by matthewj

  1. Hello, I don't want to bore you with the longest of all stories but.I am in a position where I bought an RAC warranty through Car Craft, it wasn't worth the paper it was written on, I then didn't pay them for years, ostrich style. I now want to get it sorted out. I owe just over £500 - I could just pay it off, but I feel badly treated and mis-sold, like so many of the other RAC stories on here. So: Is RAC warranty the same as PPI as some seem to have indicated in threads? Can I have it cancelled, and my Default stricken off? (i have not paid in nearly 3 years) I did get a note from some debt collectors which I ignored. My life is back on track now and I want a mortgage, this is holding me bask and I need to sort it out. Your best advice please. MJ
  2. I am currently in battle with CC Merseyside in Knowlsley. I am looking for people who are willing to peacefully protest outside a CarCraft location. I will be picketing outside CC Merseyside and welcome anyone to join me. my email address is matthew@thejensens.co.za if you have any problems with CC just think about how much this action could cost them on a Saturday. be aware that you have the right to protest on public property as long as it is done peacefully. You could also cost them a fortune by regularly about once an hour clicking on their paid for Google adverts, they cost about £10 each time.
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