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  1. Hi, I am new so bear with me if I have posted this in the wrong section. Firstly, I normally never buy from New Look, but recently after having a baby I find myself a little larger than I was before (must have been all the eclairs)... Not wanting to buy an expensive top for a party I decided to get a top from there. From there pussycat london range. Now, on washing said item in the washer in 40 like it said, plus I washed it owns it's own the lace bit on this top turned a pinky peach from cream. I rang there c/s and they informed me as they could not see the top to take it into the store (Bedford), the staff were fine but there refund policy seems to be a little bizzaire. Your item as to be perfect to get a refund, this young girls and her mother came in with a pair of shoes and one of them were torn at the front, you could tell she hadn't even wore them by the sole's, yet the assisant's wouldn't refund saying basically you tore them so tough, she said we'd refund if they were in perfect condtion. Anyway back to me. The assistant rang c/s and then was asked to send said item to there colour specialist team to investigate further. I am now awaiting a response. My thoughts are what if they try to fob me off by saying that I washed it incorrectly or with something else (which I didn't, I did a baby's white wash before hand). I know its only £22.00. But whilst I was in the shop one of the assistants commented by saying 'how random how bizzaire'! Which made me quite cross. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.
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