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  1. Hi i have recived my allocation questionare and am a little stuck in what to put in the other information box. The bank are claiming in their defence that the charges are for services, not penalties. All the charges i am claiming are for unpaid direct debits and Overdraft excess fees. So in the allocation questionare other information what do i need to say? Do i ask for the bank to provide details of a breakdown of what the charges are made up of? What else shall i say? i dont want to leave it blank. Thanks
  2. Im not asking you to judge my friends, im asking you how i stand on this. Btw one friend doesnt even know how to switch a pc on and the other is already a member of this formum.
  3. Hi Just a quick question or two. I have a few friends who i have told about this and how i am getting my charges back, they want to do the same but dont have the time/knowledge to go through the process, they have asked me if i will do it for them, obviously this is taking up my time, so heres my question, Can i charge the banks for the time it takes me to go through statements, calculate charges , write letters etc..... After all it is there fault we are going through this in the first place. At the worst would i lose the whole claim or would they just remove the service charge i have made from the claim. Maybe i am leaving myself open to the banks sueing me for unreasonable service charges? Dunno anyone got an angle on this?
  4. I recived the stanadard reply on the 19th saying someone will be looking into it, 2 days later standard response from them saying" dont agree with oft and not default penalty its a service..... response 15th september 2006 matter is resolved" Ok heres my question, do i wait untill the 14 day deadline before sending the lba? which will be 31st july. or shall i proceed whith the lba now they have replied?
  5. sent request for refund of charges on the 17th, worked out they owe me £479 so will give the the 14 days befor next step.
  6. Your claim request has been accepted. The Defendant has 14 days from the date they are served with the claim, to reply. how do i know when the 14 days begins? how will i know the claim has been served?
  7. Ok my lba expired on thursday. I decided to give the halifax the benifit of the weekend to see if they would respond to my letter, which they didnt. I have just completed my moneyclaim. how long does it normaly take to get a response from the halifax / court to process the claim?
  8. Update, i recived an offer of £650 as full and final settlement, only £80 away from what they owe me, im thinking i may accept the offer but am not happy with the other conditions imposed. "I am prepared to increase my offer to £650 in full and final settlement of your complaint. I will reiterate that future valid charges will stand and reserve the right to close your account if you do not manage it correctly." So if i accept this payment, am i giving up my right to make future claims? Maybe i should just take it all the way, at the end of the day thats £80 of my money. Damm decisions, what do you guys think?
  9. So in a worst case he would have to pay the interest from the 12mths interest free period plus the extra couple of days. So by my calculations he borrowed £1500 the interest should be no where near the £1000 he has been told he has to pay.
  10. Hi Harveyrano is a mate of mine, he asked me about this and nedded advice so i pointed him here. Just to clarify, he bought a suite on 12 mths interest free, he forgot his exact date and paid the full amount a couple of days late. Now the company who he had the agreement are saying he has to pay £1000 interest. He didnt cancel the d/d and they have taken their first payment, he has now canceled the d/d to prevent any further payments being made. If the inital 12mths were interest free why does he need to pay £1000 in interest for 2/3 days late payment. Is this company legaly due the money? Hope this helped.
  11. Gave them a call today, spoke to a lovely lady (sorry forgot her name) who was very helpful and informed me that my letter had been sent to the wrong dept, (i sent it to:-) Penny Berryman Senior Manager Data Protection Dept. Chiswell Street 48, Chiswell Street London EC1Y 4XX I was told that was the wrong address and that it had been sent back to birmingham on the 23rd. Just playing the waiting game now.
  12. Ok tommorow will be 14 days since i requested a refund, have wrote out my L,B,A and will be sending it in the morning recorded delivery. I was sent a final settlement figure/good will gesture from this address Customer relations Halifax Plc PO box 548 Leeds LS1 1WU Shall i send my lba to this address or to the trinity road address, just asking becuse i got no reply from the leeds adrress. Thanks
  13. Bump, 15 days and still no reply shall i phone them or wait 40 days first, i know they recived it because it was signed for on the 14th of june by a guy called andrew.
  14. Ok update, i recived a letter from halifax yesterday 17th june, usual blaggg "Thanks for your recent letter....... good will gesture..... £216..... Final settlement". Obviously i am not going to accept this as final settlement. So do i wait untill the 14 days are up? which will be 28th of june, or do i send them a reply stating i will accept this payment but not as final settlement and will still persue my claim for a refund of all chrages? Is there a letter i can modify for my own circumstances in the library for this purpose? Do i fill the "Acceptance form" in that they sent me? Thanks in advance
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