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Everything posted by davidroese

  1. My mother is 70 yrs off age and has had work carried out by a builder. Whilst he was doing the work he found other faults. The bill has now came in and it it not as stated verbally. I have contacted the Scottish Building Federation who agree with me on two points. 1 The bill and 2. The job was not correctly explained(ie. They have put a dry cast finish against the rest of the house which is wetcast) which looks totally out of place on the house.I told him I was not happy and that the SBF were going to investigate. He left me a message whilst at work saying if he does not get full payment he is calling in the shefiffs officers. I live in Southampton and my mother lives in Paisley in Scotland. I know there are some diffences in the law between the two but any advice would be appreciated as my mother is only 5.5 stone and not in the best of health and the thought of baliffs/sheriff officers turning up at her house is making her worse. Dave
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