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  1. maybe i won't be going back to hungary then! sorry i can't scan the things as have no scanner. i think they are a private company but they do mention when i appeal they will be contacting the authority which issued the fine so not sure if they're working entirely independently, having bought the debt, or if they are only responsible for recovering it and the hungarian authorities are still involved in a way. i'm afraid i WAS a bit naughty and got the fines whilst there but ignored them. i had just arrived and this was on the 1st monday of a month of heavy-duty study so didn't have the chance to find the offices where i could pay till the next weekend when the fine had leaped up for delayed payment anyway. silly me. thanks for all the advice though and i won't go booking any holidays there!
  2. Hi, I recently received letters from EPCPLC for three parking fines collected over one day while my car was broken down in Budapest and we were out finding a mechanic. Are these guys for real? Have they got any legal right to make me pay? What's more there was no sign/pay meter on the side of the road I left the car and it was actually off the tarmack on some dirt where other cars had parked. On the other side of the road further down there was pavement etc and a meter+sign. Everywhere else around had the meter + sign on both sides of the road so i thought i'd be ok. Also left a note (in english not hungarian unfortunately) explaining that the car couldn't drive any further and we'd be back asap. Are they allowed to give 3 fines for one offence? One was morning, one afternoon and one evening i guess. There's also a £37 admin charge added to each fine (ouch!) for sending one letter for each. Is this reasonable/legal/enforceable? Please help!
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