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  1. Thank you kindly for those replies. I've taken your advice & contacted EDF to resolve. It was complicated by the fact that Scottish had my start and end readings back to front (?!?!) and also they somehow conveyed a vastly inflated estimate figure, which EDF re-translated on bills as "Actual" even though they were Scottish's "Estimate". EDF have agreed to write-off the Gas standing charges, which they admitted were unfair, as in the normal course of events I would have gone for a dual fuel agreement which cancels out these charges. They've a bit of sorting out to do still... but hopefully the outcome will be better this way.
  2. Thanks for your reply. EDF don't have Actual readings and neither do Scottish Power. EDF only know what the previous tenant provided on exit, and Scottish know those (start readings I provided, that match the previous tenant) and mid July readings (readings I provided). So how would EDF know that I didn't consume *any* Gas or Elec between March & July? Crucially: why would I be obliged to pay any provider that I didn't have an explicit contract with, regardless of who they are or how they arrange terms of charging? Example: EDF have placed a standing charge of £14 a month for Gas (despite the fact I literally haven't used any at all), but at no stage did I agree to that - we have not entered into any agreement whatsoever.
  3. Morning everyone, Here's a situation I'm new to, I wonder if anyone can please advise? I moved into a flat in March The flat has had extremely little use since then, mainly because I've been away a lot The previous occupiers vacated 28th February. They used EDF for both Gas & Elec. Early March I started receiving letters from EDF addressed to "The Occupier" or "The Customer" I ignored EDF's letters. I'd used them before and didn't want to this time around. I also wasn't in a hurry to sign an alternative energy provider because I would be away for several weeks In April I signed Scottish Power for Gas & Elec - a good deal, including a Quidco cashback offer. Only issue was, it would take a long time for them to officially start supply In July Scottish Power finally started supply. Mid July, I provided them both start readings (from when I moved in in March) and current readings. The differences were very small - extremely low usage due to me hardly being there EDF continued to send letters and bills addressed to "The Customer" (must be using estimated readings even though labelled as Actual!), although I've not instructed them and I'm pretty certain they'd not have had any access to my meters. I've ignored all EDF letters/bills (Electricity bill about £150, Gas about £50) because I want Scottish Power to pick this up, not EDF. 9-Aug, EDF send letter addressed to "The Customer" saying that the reading they have received (from Scottish Power presumably) is "not in line with your previous energy consumption"... they are in the process of contacting my new supplier (Scottish) to agree an accurate closing meter reading and the process can take between 6 and 8 weeks ... as soon as agreed a final bill will be sent to me, I do not have to take any further action. 12-Aug, EDF send letter addressed to "The Customer"saying the Gas amount of £50 is outstanding, threatening that if I don't contact them or make payment within 14 days, they'll refer to the Collection Management Team. I had planned to not contact EDF as I have no dealings with them, and get Scottish to absorb the consumption from when I moved in March. But now am uncertain as to how this would likely play out. Does the "default provider" have any rights? Any advice would be appreciated - thanks in advance.
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