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  1. Hi Amy, Thanks for the kind words.. Youre right, i do want rid of this hassle but the sad thing is that ive put so much work into getting my house just right and i really love it here I suppose i do have to accept the inevitable though although a few months extra would be great as my cat (Smudga) has recently been diagonsed with a mouth tumor, the vets are saying its a matter of weeks and i really dont want to put her through the stress of a move.. She sleeps most the time at the moment but im just trying to make her last bit of time as good for her as possible.. I know that sounds a bit daft but its only me and her (an all woman household, Yeah!) So, the deposit would be classed as not protected... Im worried that he just protected for that short period so that he could re serve the section 21. From reading on few cases on here i think that the stupid thing i did was accepting the deposit back from the DPS as it goes against what i have been saying to them and my LL "thats not my deposit", etc.. To be honest, i didnt notice the wrong dates until afterwards and if i am even more honest... I just saw the extra money... I know it was daft.. I have since emailed DPS and LL saying that this is not my deposit as the dates are over 18 months out and the tenancy type is wrong... I have also offered to return it to them but... No reply as of yet. I have also emailed the LL asking to be provided with information regarding my tennancy deposit specifically the one that i paid on xxx (giving the exact dates and tenancy type) but he is just ignoring them... Even then though, he still has not ever supplied any info regarding deposit for the fictitious tenancy that he made up to the DPS... Oh, and the DPS was the "Deposit Protection Service" although i wasnt really having a dig at them i just think that they honestly did not know what to do. Thaks again Amy Sal-x-
  2. Hi Everyone, I’m having an absolute nightmare with my landlord and thought I would post on here in the hope that I will be able to get some advice as to what I need to do. I moved into my property on a 6 month Assured Shorthold Tenancy back at the start of 2008, as part of this tenancy I had to pay a £600.00 deposit, this was/is also written into my contract. In Feb of this year as I had a friend tell me about the deposit protection scheme and so I politely asked my landlord to provide me with details of how my deposit was being protected. When I would call him to ask he was fine but kept on stalling, he would say things like “haven’t you received it yet... I will chase them up again for you” Eventually, in March he emailed me a document claiming it was my deposit protection details, I was instantly suspicious as it didn’t fit in with what I had been told to expect. After looking into it it turned out that it was a document that my landlord had made up himself, he had attempted to make it look as though it was from the deposit protection but it was not. I then asked him about this and he got really nasty with me before slamming the telephone down..I still remember his words exactly “If you want to go to court I’ve got plenty of money” Following this I hear nothing else from him for a couple of weeks and then I get a section 21 eviction notice through my door. I then decide to write to him and continue to ask for my deposit protection details, during this period he starts calling my mobile while im at work. I email him again to advise him that I cannot answer my mobile during work and ask him to please stop. He then starts to call my actual work (a company helpline), speaking to others and asking to be put through to me. Eventually this did stop after a few days however it worries me as when I filled out the employment details in the application form for the tenancy I was working at a different place and I still don’t know how he knew what my new place of work was. Eventually I get an email from deposit protection saying that my deposit has just been registered (few days before) but the deposit details do not match up with my tenancy details. In the deposit protection form where it says tenancy start date he has put it as the date the deposit was registered, he has also put its for a period of 1 month only... I never agreed to any of this. I then get a second section 21 notice through my door.. I have called the deposit protection several times and tried to complain that the details are incorrect but honestly they don’t want to know, all they say is that it’s down to the landlord to change those details so I need to contact him. The landlord has now cut of all communication; I have still received no information from him regarding my tenancy deposit. I’ve been reading up on this from other cases on this site and I think I am meant to have some prescribed information and also some kind of deposit certificate which I get to sign. Again I have never been given the chance to sign anything. I know it sounds daft but I’m really worried he may have forged my signature on these forms!! The deposit has now been released by the deposit protection and paid back to me and my section 21 expires in 1 month. I am still in the process of trying to complain to the deposit protection people about this as this isn’t the correct information (I have emailed their complaints) but I am still waiting for a reply. I know its complex and I’m sorry for going on, I felt it was important to try and get all the facts in.. Please, if anyone can help I would be most grateful. Thank you, Sal -x-
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