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Everything posted by mammy1

  1. Hiya, I too have been with Spectrum going on 6 years now, initially paid £900 'admin' fee over 3 months. At the beginning got regular updates via letter re were my payments have gone but that has since ceased. I too was told i would be debt free in 5 years (advised after 5 years would be able to pay (good will payment) an amount..whatever i could afford...to my debtors who would then free me from my debt....just putting this down in words now makes me realise how stupid i was for believing this crap. I suppose at the time when you are desperate you will believe anything and this is how these people get away with it!! Earlier this year i recieved notification that a ccj was being made against me by one of my creditors, Spectrum was informed immediately and they stated their legal team tried everything to stop this procedure but were unable to, consequently i had to attend a small court hearing to contest, i faild, they had already made up their mind and the judge wouldnt consider my circumstances...hence one of my creditors now has a hold over my morgage, if/when i sell my property they will reclaim their money, I was extremely concerned that my debtors would have the power to force me to sell my property, i was advised by the 'judge' that 'it very rarely happens'...which is of no great reasurrance for me or my partner and baby!! I too want to leave Spectrum but feel 'trapped' due to my circumstances & im afraid if i do anything about it this will encourage the debtor who has ccj against me will force me to sell. I have been contacted by company called Innovative Finance (www.innovativefinance.co.uk) who state they can help me and they apparently have a top notch legal team.......has anyone heard of them? I would be happy/if able to help your case in any way that i can. Regards
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