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Everything posted by dollies01

  1. I dont understand why you are offering them anything, they were in default, the debt is now unenforceable unless a Judge says otherwise, for them to force you to pay, they have to tell the Judge the full story.........not going to look good on them is it?! If you give in and make offers to them, they are just going to continue to break the law and think they can get away with it. Just my opinion of course
  2. I have just rung the number that Devillish advised I got the Indian call centre. I was put through to debt management team! I was transferred to complaints It was a total waste of time, they are saying it will take four weeks to look into my complaint, but I have told them that my Letter before action expires a week today, and I will be raising court action. However I did ascertain that the debt hasn't been sold, only given to outside agencies. To be fair, my case is a bit special I suppose as I am in default.
  3. I can't tell when the charges occured, my statements are those horrible microfishhhhhy things They make very uncomfortable reading though!
  4. I have my statements on my lap as we type!! 27/10/02 unauth o/d fee 15.00 13 x 15.00 cleared transaction charges 1x 32.00 unpaid s/o fee 3 x 32.00 unpaid chq charge 3x 32.00 unpaid direct debit fee boy oh boy what a week that was!
  5. Devillish please don't take my comments personally, I assure you its not you I am moaning about I am just annoyed at Abbeys attitude. This money is OURS we are ENTITLED to it.
  6. so basically ring and ask nicely eh???............ Nice idea, and I for one, always ask nicely at first, BUT if these advisors are hoping they are going to be treated with respect from people they need to think again Have they ever had to worry how they are going to feed their kids, cos the bank has taken the housekeeping money in charges? Have they ever nursed a toothache for a week, because they cant afford to visit a dentist for the same reason? Have they ever nearly lost their homes as a direct result of bank charges? People were pretty miffed at these charges when we all thought they were lawful, they are mad as hell now knowing that they aren't. But WE have to ring and ask nicely for what is rightfully OURS and then If WE are lucky we will get £500??? So once again we dip out? we are still being treated like the 2nd class citizens surely It would make more sense, if the ABBEY were ringing us to OFFER us our FULL MONEY back with apologies for the heartache they have caused? They would make more friends that way and save themselves a shed load of money in court charges.
  7. by post to Northampton county court the address is 21-27 St Katherines Street Northampton NN1 2LH dont forget to add your claim number to the list though!
  8. Yes it has been passed, to several dca companies over the years, Its now with Credit security but they are in default with my CCA request
  9. Thanks so much Karnevil! Do you think, If I was successful that Abbey would actually pay the charges back to me, or simply remove them from the balance outstanding on the default?
  10. I have panic attacks just reading the thread! I would send one of you brave, and brainy types in my place lol
  11. erm...........there is only you two, me and one other on this thread though.... Personally I have just tried to help!
  12. Another set of the same statements arrived today! months of nothing, and now Im drowning in the bloody things! lol
  13. Just realised that the DCA have failed miserably with my CCA request. I sent it on the 31st August, and there has been nothing from them.
  15. Can hardly believe it!! Statements finally arrived today!!! I would imagine the Lba gave them a kick up the bum but who knows, or cares?! they are here at last!! I have totalled up the charges and they come to £2,048 If the interest was being added today it would bring it upto £2,701 Debt collection agency wants £2,850 but have offered to accept 60% So in theory, can I claim the total back from Abbey, have it paid via cheque, get the dca off my back and still have a little bit left? Yes I know its naughty but not unlawful!
  16. Just pm'd you a edited version that should be fine! Hope this helps
  17. I'm sure I will get told off for saying this, but If I were you, I think I would be tempted to send a subject access request to them. This would serve two purposes 1) to see if there are any charges added to the loan that you can get refunded on, thus reducing the loan 2) would buy you some time. Whilst the debt is in dispute, they can't do anything about it, though technically you are meant to continue paying during this time. Once you have the information, someone here will be able to help you.
  18. When I was waiting for them to settle my claim, I had a look at peoples threads, who were claiming at roughly the same time. and worked out Halifax take approx 7 working days to pay up......... I had my money on the 7th working day, after making my claim........could be coincidence of course lol won't be long now patience is a virtue!
  19. Lba gone today.........still working on a estimate an estimate that I know is too high, hoping that it would make Abbey give me the true figure. I had a bog standard letter, after the preliminary. I hope I get a better response to the lba, I don't fancy doing a money claim with no schedule of charges, guesstimates, wings and prayers!
  20. Hiya Happy Just checking.......... Have you told Child tax credit office, of your new circumstances? You will now be entitled to the higher premium of tax credits. My friend, who was in a similar situation as you, went through this recently, she had no money at all and assumed that Income support told the tax credit office. Turned out that they don't and she had to do it herself. Its just a thought, maybe irrelevant, but thought I'd mention it!
  21. I have just sent them the usual s.a.r. Four of my claims are for closed accounts, it's not been a problem.
  22. oops! sorry youngandfree!!! I didn't refresh the page before I posted...........good news is we said roughly the same thing!
  23. Hiya Actionbluesox This is a horrendous story. I am sure there will be somewhere here that can help you. You havent made it clear who this company is, but could I suggest you repeat this thread in the " other institutes" forum. I will be told off by the mods (sorry mods!) for encouraging you to duplicate a thread, but I feel that for the help you need, and deserve, your post will be better viewed elsewhere. good luck and chin up, they cant have what you havent got.
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