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Geoff Widders

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  1. Hi again, I've finally had my parking fine in Valpy Street, Reading adjudicated. I was successful on the grounds that "the signage was inadaquate." The decision runs to two pages and condemns the Council, "The question has to be asked how many more Decisions are required before conforming surface markings and adequate signage are provided, and, not least, directional arrows installed... motorists are faced daily with non conforming and misleading signage." I have placed the full decision on my website hewasanutter.com/Reading_Borough_Council_Misleading_Parking_Sign.html [i only have 1 post and so cannot use a hyperlink]
  2. Hi there, I've joined the Ripped Off in Reading club. Parked on a Sunday in Valpy Street. Here's the sign. I'll let you know how I get on.
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