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Everything posted by clark3283

  1. Hi Im trying to find out how to start a new thread but couldnt so Ive loined you guys in hope that you could help with a similar Super Cover insurane claim for an iphone. In the report to the Police I said I was unsure whether it was lost or stolen because I just couldn't be sure. I said it went missingt on the Thursday after realising it on the Friday, I went to the police station but it was packed then found out that I could report it lost on the phone which I did on the Saturday Super Cover refused on three points I was a day late reporeting it to the police, I reported it as lost but I said I wasnt sure if it had been lost or stolen in the report. They say they dont cover lost phones. They also said I was late reportuing it to O2. I still have over a year to go on my iphone contract gave these people money in good faith uprfront for insurance nearly a year ago and I feel like Ive been robbed...again Can any one help or advise me? Kind regards Richard
  2. Hi Im trying to find out how to start a new thread but couldnt so Ive loined you guys in hope that you could help with a similar Super Cover insurane claim for an iphone. In the report to the Police I said I was unsure whether it was lost or stolen because I just couldn't be sure. I said it went missingt on the Thursday after realising it on the Friday, I went to the police station but it was packed then found out that I could report it lost on the phone which I did on the Saturday Super Cover refused on three points I was a day late reporeting it to the police, I reported it as lost but I said I wasnt sure if it had been lost or stolen in the report. They say they dont cover lost phones. They also said I was late reportuing it to O2. I still have over a year to go on my iphone contract gave these people money in good faith uprfront for insurance nearly a year ago and I feel like Ive been robbed...again Can any one help or advise me? Kind regards Richard
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