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  1. Anyone know what will happen regarding the pathetic effort of a photocopied CCA that Barclaycard sent me? Surely they cannot class that as being the official CCA. No date and No signatures. It just looks like a blank agreement they have found in the bottom draw I have actually got copies of the CCA in a image library but cannot post pictures as this forum won't let me
  2. Good point. Even though they have not done such a thing yet in taking what they want out. I'll sort that out asap. AIC will not go as far as visiting my workplace will they if I keep refusing to talk to them on the telephone?
  3. Hi spameed In what way should we complain to TS?? This debt has been going on for years with Barclaycard (since 2004/5 I think). It is only in the 6 - 9 months that Debt Collectors have been harassing us. We have never missed the monthly £5 payment either as it is direct debit Thanks
  4. Hi everyone. I thought I would start a new thread about the current situation. At the moment, I am experiencing lots of bother from Allied International Credit regarding a debt I have with Barclaycard. We are paying Barclaycard £5 per month They are constantly bombarding work (via works reception) with telephone calls trying to get through to speak to me. When they first started ringing a few weeks back, I (stupidly) actually confirmed my name and address not really knowing who it was. I quickly told them I was at work and could not take personal calls after realising it was a DC. They obviously know it is my work they are calling as they first get through to the company reception. Here is a list of events: Sept 2010: They first contacted me with a YELLOW CARD with contact details on and pay the debt immediately etc... Oct 2010: AIC sent a list of payment options that were near £90 per month:!: Mid Nov 2010: AIC sent me a EARLY SETTLEMENT OFFER letter Late Nov 2010: AIC sent me a URGENT FINAL NOTICE OF INTENT including money owed taken out my wages at work, Baliffs coming to house, Sale of our House to cover debt Early Jan 2011: We sent out a CCA Request to AIC with a £1 postal order Late Jan 2011: AIC sent a letter AND returned the £1 postal order acknowledging the CCA request and they have asked Barclaycard to provide the CCA Early Feb 2011: Barclaycard sent a POORLY PHOTOCOPIED CCA with NO SIGNATURES OR DATES ON (obviously not the original CCA or a copy of the original CCA) Since Mid Feb 2011: RECEIVING LOTS OF TELEPHONE CALLS to my place of work asking for me from AIC Any advice on what to do next as I did not respond to the Photocopied CCA that Barclaycard sent me, and then AIC are back on my case. I am sending the Telephone Harassment Letter this morning Thanks for any help:sad:
  5. The missus has started constantly getting calls at work from who we think is Allied International Credit. These were on our case before until we sent them a CCA Request. It is then that Barclaycard sent us the poor photocopied effort of a CCA request with no signature or anything and demanding the sum owed. They are starting to the worry the missus now. We know we owe them money but cannot afford to pay it all back immediately. We are still sending them £5 per month direct debit as we have done for a year or two now The covering letter is at POST 21 of this thread, and the pictures of the so called CCA is POST 40 (I cannot do large pictures as I need to post 20 replys on these forums
  6. Hi witts, I could now do with some advice on what to do next. The phone has just rang with a Out of Area coming up on the display so didn't answer it. I wonder if it is one of these boneheads trying to contact us. Cheers
  7. Here are what BC sent us on saturday along with the covering letter I mention earlier on Post 21 of this thread. I have not scanned them, just simply took a photo of them. All photo copied and no signatures. It on't let me add links to a bigger photo for some reason
  8. No worries The more the merrier8-) I will try and upload a picture of the effort BC sent us yesterday. Very blurred and a poor photo copy it is.
  9. Not received any Default Notice from BC. This letter we got yesterday from BC is far too technical for me to understand. All we get the odd letters from DCA's and I do the usual CCA request letter then it gets passed back to BC. This is the first letter we have received from BC in which they are requesting payment. As I mention the rest of the letters are from DCA's
  10. Bye the way. We are actually paying £5 per month via direct debit to Barclaycard and having been doing so for years now since our finance problems began.
  11. We had a letter from Barclaycard yesterday with what looks like a pathetic photocopied attempt of a CCA from 2006. Some snippets from the covering letter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Due to the current status of your account, the full outstanding balance is now due. However, if you are experiencing any financial difficulties, please contact us to discuss a mutually acceptable repayment arrangement. Please find enclosed a copy of your original executed agreement and a copy of the latest Terms & Conditions of the account prior to it being transferred to our Recoveries department. With reference to the Civil Procedure Rules (the CPR). We have provided you with sufficient information to allow you to understand our position. The CPR does not confer an automatic entitlement to documents before proceedings start. CPR 31.16 provides that a party may apply to the court for pre-action disclosure in certain limited circumstances, which do not apply here. The application must be supported by evidence - and the usual order is for the applicant to pay the costs of the application, including the respondents costs, together with the respondants costs of complying with any order that is made as a result (CPR 48.1(2) While there is no formal obligation on our part to provide documentation in answer to Validation of Debt correspondence, we have undertaken steps to provide you with the contractual terms under which your financial obligations arise and a statement od account. I am fully satisfied that the sum outstanding by you remains legally due and payable. You should continue to repay the outstanding balance oed on your account in accordance with the terms of your credit agreement. If you do not, we may register a default against you with credit reference agencies, although we will formally notify you before doing so This completes our obligation to you under Section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 Yours Sincerely Judith Rowney-Smith Barclaycard Customer Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As I mentioned, all they have sent is a photo copy of the CCA and Terms. No original copies with signatures from when we took the account out around 2003. Any ideas what I should do next as the letter is all mumble jumble technical stuff to me Thanks
  12. Morning folks. Thought they had gone quiet over at Barclays for a while. Looks as they they've set some other DCA onto the case. We have now received a letter from Allied International Credit requesting a full and final settlement, or these options: - submit a down payment of 25% (£800) of the balance plus the remaing balance over 48 months (£50 per month) - make nearly £100 payments over 36 months. Not as threatening as the Debt Managers letter we received but still demanding in a way plus they are telling us to ring them immediately. As far as i'm aware they have not tried ringing us unless it is the caller we've had lately that keeps hanging up on us. Any advice on the next course of action from our end. Cheers
  13. Well well, that was a quick reply from DML. Got a letter back yesterday basically saying they have tried to contact us by letter and telephone to arrange collection of the debt and they did not deem this harassment. Yeah whatever. So numerous phone calls a day to home and work and threatening letters are not harassment then. Plus this snippet from the letter: As an agency we work very closly under the guidelines on debt collection practices and ensure we follow these stringently. DML prides itself on compliance, working with organisations such as the CSA and OFT in order to collect ethically and responsibly. I can advise that we have passed copies of your letters along with your £1 postal order to our client and closed our file. I can advise you will receive no further correspondence from DML with regards to this matter Please contact Barclaycard direct with any further queries you may have. Thats seems to have got rid of DML then. So is it my guess that Barclays will now get some other debt collection agency on our backs? Cheers DH
  14. Totally agree jimbo especially the way debt are sold onto 3rd parties. Anyway. We recieved another romantic letter from DML yesterday as follows URGENT FINAL DEMAND Your overdue account has been referred to Debt Managers Ltd from for immediate collection . SETTLEMENT is required now . COURT ACTION may be taken unless you make contact with this office . COURT COSTS may be added to your debt . FAILURE TO RESPOND to this demand may affect your ability to obtain CREDIT ALL FUTURE PAYMENTS SHOULD BE MADE DIRECTLY TO DEBT MANAGERS LTD How do we react to this latest letter? I have also hignlighted in bold the from for bit. They have obviously missed something out in between then two words. Plus we still have a monthly direct debit set up with Barclays so why have they said all future payments to be made to DML? There is also a Bank Giro Credit slip attached to the letter The letter is also dated the 17th August 2010 which is 2 days before the heated phone call I had. Cheers DH
  15. Thanks hs We'll see what happens now then with the two letters i've sent to DML. I've no doubt the home phone will be going again today as I think DML don't believe the wife works and that she just won't speak to them on the phone at home.
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