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  1. Thanks again to everyone that matters! And im not special just wanted a little help with what to me seemed a big problem.
  2. hi everyone its me again said id be back got my 3rd letter now, fine gone up to 125 now got myself in a state again im so sure they will come after me please someone send me reassurance!
  3. Thank you all again for your help, this has helped me have peace of mind knowing theres people to help with this day light robbers. I would have payed them and found myself in debt with (paul)
  4. Hi sorry its took so long to reply i dont do computers, thank you for taking a interest do you mean the company? if so is MET PARKING SERVICES.......
  5. Thank you also dear writter, i fill a lot better for logging on to this site, you forget that their are good people out there who are willing to help thank you all again, and will proberly be back in a couple of weeks seeking more advise!
  6. Once again thank you for your help i watched the clip and made me fill a little better being a worrier its hard to just forget this things, i get my car from motoibility and the letter had c/o motobililty does that still matter?
  7. Thank you iam so worried it as made me fill ill all afternoon, i have read the other reveiws and still scared they can take more action against me if i dont reply.
  8. Hi Please can you give me some advise? Iam a disable driver and after a long journey stopped for a while because i felt unwell after 40mins or so my brother went into macds for food for him and a apple pie for me to bring up my sugar. I have just got in to find a ticket what can i do please. Shame it wasnt so easy to get parked in a disable bay as they where taken up by cabs please hope you can help yours leana
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