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Everything posted by victoria_siempre

  1. Hi I am not an expert but am receiving similar letters. the Santander one appears to be a default notice. This is a pre-requisite for them taking legal action but it doesn't mean that they will do so. Some issue these as a matter of course and some do not. It means they can enter a 'default' not on your credit file but that is all. Do not worry about it. The MBNA one is a routine reminder that you are in arrears. Do not worry about it. You are a long way off from any court action. maintain your stance that you are offering what you can reasonably afford; that is all that a court would order. You need to prepare though for a long battle and constant harassment and threats but you can only pay what you can afford. best wishes vic
  2. Hi folks An update on progress. I am still feeling my way with regard to tactics. Barclaycard (MSDW and very old). DN from Mercers. CCA sent to Bcard but no response. I will send dispute letter in about a week. No phone harassment for two weeks. Bank of America (on today's letter, aka MBNA): .'... if you do not make payment of...or phone.. we will pass your account to litigation unit.' 'One of the following actions may be taken...'.Only one call in two weeks. I will CCA shortly. Egg: OH 2 cards. Loads of calls and I keep repeating my mantra of can't pay (not my cards) not won't pay. Today received letter headed 'CAPITAL CREDIT AGENGIES (a trading style of Egg Banking plc licensed to supply credit)' headed IMPORTANT NOTICE. If I fail to contact them within 72 hours I will be referred to 'one of our specialist agents...'. Will send CCA shortly. NatWest: one very old card, one new - 2 DNs received. Will send CCAs shortly. Holding exercise on 2 other new cards. I am making zero payments to anyone on advice from National DebtHelp Line which the cc companies helpfully referred me to. I am not discussing this on the phone as advised by same. I have no money for food (I am still feeding my dog, Basil, because he his not to blame). Harassment engenders suicidal thoughts which does not help me in my search for work. etc etc I was always taught to make haste slowly in war (Festina lente) but am I being too cautious: all view gratefully received. Best wishes to all CAGGERS vic
  3. Hi guys I too cannot access any templates; just asks me to register and goes around in circles. I have reported to site team - this is not a criticism because if some of us gave some money they would have more resource for their sterling efforts. I'll give an immediate £20 for access to templates pour encourager les autres. vic
  4. Dear messytimes First calm down - their tactics are to scare you and you need to be strong. They will threaten CCJ without a valid CCA and indeed can initiate court proceedings which you need to prepared to defend - lots of folk here will help you. You need to post up more details (without any personal details) of debts, correspondence and CCA replies and more expert folk will comment. I would suggest you phone National DebtHelpLine to get another take on this especially if you genuinely can't pay - I found them reassuring but you don't have to follow their advice. The OH bit undermines your confidence and the need to be strong. personally, I shared everything with my OH and am now frit of nothing. If this is not possible you need a very clear plan of action; this is the start of a fight and you have lots of friends. vic
  5. Hi all A brief update on progress for info only: I have read all threads, judgements (carey etc) and the 'book'. Aegis (MBNA) sent Mumbai postcard from Chester on Aug 19 saying they '..will be calling..'. I phoned them (I know) and they undertook not to telephone me or write to me ever again. So far they have not. No further contact from MBNA yet. Egg (OH cards) maintained telephone harassment until Aug 20 when I answered phone and we had a 15 minute conversation (I know). They undertook to not call me 9.00 - 5.00 and so far have not called at all. No further contact yet. Barclaycard (ex. MSDW) wrote 'zero payment not policy..' and started phoning Aug 19. Letter received Aug 24 saying passed to Mercers who would issue DN. Letter from Mercers received same day with default notice and response date of Sept 6 - I'm not bothered about DN. Lots of rude, aggressive and automated calls from Mercers. CCA sent to BCard. Santander. Newish card. Quite a helpful chap explained that they would not accept zero payment and would just 'pass it on' but would accept £5 pm. Nothing formal done on this yet. Everything else in various stages of fermentation. best wishes to all vic
  6. Hi Newbie You need to approach this in logical stages. Scan the CCA documents, remove personal info such as name, address, reference numbers and barcodes using microsoft paint then upload the scan to this thread. Those who are knowledgable about CCA's can give you an opinion. Can anyone else help with advice please? vic
  7. Hi I'm also new but learning. Someone will provide more experienced advice. You need to provide more (non-personal) info. What debts e.g. cc, loans , overdraft & who with and when taken out who is DMP with. which have agreed to freeze interest/charges Then CCA all that can be. Sub-divide debts into those that re legally enforceable and those that are not. Challenge (and stop paying) those that are not. Devise a strategy for those that are; remember that you can't pay what you don't have and no court would order you to. Chin up - there is a lot of support here! vic
  8. Hi I've just done an instant online one with equifax £2 they do ask a number of security questions: re mortgage and latest credit card so you need all details to hand vic
  9. Hi guys i haven't given Aegis any security details and now don't answer the phone. Their number is 'not available' on Bt systems. you cannot write to them. this makes logging calls and complaining difficult. The replies are at various stages in my process but so far: egg - need to arr arrange minimum payment plan and pl contact us + loads of phone calls; ignoring for now MBNA - ditto + Aegis dimension Barclaycard - not 'policy' to accept zero payment for 6 months but no harassment; not replied yet. Rest in various stages of development and will post separate threads as things emerge. Vic
  10. Thanks sillygirl for speedy reply. I now ignore the calls and I have used your approach; I do though appreciate the importance of complaining. Aegis are interesting because BofA still write seperately and don't mention Aegis, although all the Aegis letters are posted from Chester but are written over a Mumbai address that it tells you not to write to! Has anyone had any success in complaining about Aegis - I'll try writing to MBNA/BofA in the first instance. Thanks again vic
  11. Thanks dx for speedy response. I'll cca all starting with oldest first. There is no PPI on any and charges will be minimal because accounts were kept in pretty good order until now. vic
  12. Hi all - and it is a great site. Usual story, 15years+ of accumulated cc debts (50k+ some old some new). Made redundant and struggling to meet priority bills. Went through fear, embarrassment, guilt etc and thanks to this site now have some fighting spirit. Ccs egg 2, nw 2, bcard 1, mbna 2, santander 1 - some mine, some OH and some joint. I have taken advice from NDH and written to all explaining situation, including household income and expenditure statement and requesting 6 month moratorium, freezing interest and charges and offering zero payment.NDH also advised not speaking to them by phone and under no circumstances to make even a token payment. We have opened a bank ac elsewhere to pay priority bills. We have no assets, interest only mortgage and very minimal (now) equity in house. So far all have acknowledged letters. Nobody has accepted this offer (NSSherlock). Aegis call from Delhi with security questions re MBNA/BofA 4 times a day. I no longer answer phone. (their number is unavailable on 1471) Egg call 4 times day. Barclaycard have written saying it's 'not their policy' and ask for payment. Natwest have said they will default accounts but haven't done so yet. So, really I was just looking for some tactical advice - I have lurked through all the threads. Thanks now and in the battles to come. victoria_siempre
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