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  1. Thanks for that, I'll try it out now. How do I make a postal order so I can apply to get my credit report?
  2. Also what's in a credit report that will help me improve my credit rating?
  3. I still haven't got a bank account, I haven't applied in a long time, should I apply again? Also, how can you make a credit report order if you haven't got a debit card to order it with.. i.e. how do you male a postal order?
  4. I have checked and it is only for benefits, also are there any bank accounts that will allow me to open an account, without a monthly management fee.
  5. Will I be able to put EMA/Student Finance/Work money into that account?
  6. How would I go on about paying to check my credit report when I don't have a debit card for me to pay for it, or for them to identify it?
  7. It's long gone now so what can I do if I want to put e.g. EMA into an account? How does a savings account work.
  8. Hi there people, here is my full situation: I have been the victim of fraud where I gave two people I know my details and they said they are going to transfer money into my account so I have them info such as my PIN, internet banking number etc. and we drove to a bank and they told me to get the money from the counter, they got most of the money whilst I got little, from their actions my account was cancelled and I am now refused credit. I am in a dire situation thanks to people I thought I knew well, but now I don't know where I'm going to put my student finance next year or even EMA this year as I haven't got an account! Hi there, I was just wondering how I can get my credit report if I haven't got a debit/credit card? And what I can do to get a debit card 'cos I am in urgent need, I feel like crying! I have tried one basic bank account - Co-Op but they rejected me and I don't want to try too many because I heard it affects your credit rating - not that mine isn't that bad already. PLEASE HELP ME.
  9. Hi there people, I have tried the co-op and they rejected me as well. Here is my full situation: I have been the victim of fraud where I gave two people I know my details and they said they are going to transfer money into my account so I have them info such as my PIN, internet banking number etc. and we drove to a bank and they told me to get the money from the counter, they got most of the money whilst I got little, from their actions my account was cancelled and I am now refused credit. I am in a dire situation thanks to people I thought I knew well, but now I don't know where I'm going to put my student finance next year or even EMA this year as I haven't got an account! Hi there, I was just wondering how I can get my credit report if I haven't got a debit/credit card? And what I can do to get a debit card 'cos I am in urgent need, I feel like crying!
  10. You alright, always nice to see a fellow Gooner! I haven't tried that as of yet, do basic accounts allow direct debits i.e. studentfinance to be paid into the account?
  11. Hello, I'm 18 years old and I was involved with the wrong people and I committed an AC [problem] of which I received very little money, I now find myself in a position where most banks refuse me their services and I have no debit card, I have learnt from my mistakes and with me going to uni next year, I need an account for my student loan to be put into.. What can I do?
  12. Thank you people for everything, appreciate everything.
  13. Thanks for that, I think they made me 18 years old on the contract cause I remember the guy saying "let's make you 18 years old".
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