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  1. Basically a few weeks ago I received a letter to my home address which was addressed to my parents. At the time I didn't realise and opened the letter which was from Robinson Way. I realised my mistake once I opened the letter and returned to sender as not at this address (probably the biggest mistake) I contacted my parents and they told me to just ignore it. Since then the frequency of the letters is increasing and I've received a further 3 letters in as many weeks even though I keep returning them. How the hell they got my address Ive no idea but my parents are most certainly not living here! The only thing I can assume is because 5 years or so ago I was obviously listed on the electoral roll at my parents address, but now Im registered here, but what I fail to get is that my parents are registered at their own house 40 miles away. Ive let my parents know, they dont seem particularly concerned but its beginning to stress me out and Im concerned that Im going to end up with bailiffs turning up. The only way out of it that I can see is to give Robinson Way my parents address, which Id rather not obviously have to do. Does anyone have any advice on dealing with it so Im not being pursued for this.
  2. The alleged misconduct is that he has started a company in direct competion and using his current employers work. The company side of it is a joke - thier basis for this is that my parter has a website. This existed prior to his employment at the company, his boss knew of its existence and he acknowledged that due to the nature of the business it is common practice for employers to expect to see a portfolio site of work before interviewing, hence his website. They insisted in one of the meetings that he had solicited work from clients of his boss, he asked what proof he had of this and his boss stated none. My partner has only ever accepted work which would not be contravening his boss's firm. It was verbally agreed (as with everything unfortunately involved in the case) that my partner could carry out freelance work in his own time. His boss acknowledged this, but at the disciplinary changed the goal posts and said he was only allowed to do this for family and friends. This had never been discussed. The allegations regarding the use of work are the source of contention. His boss has admitted he provides staff with work, and has given permission to use work in thier portfolio, what my partners website is. However he only acknowledges providing certain materials, and insisting my partner has stolen work and passing it off as his own. This coupled with the fact that he insists my partner is operating a company is obviously very damaging to my partners reputation. My partner has worked at the company for almost 2 years now, and in September of last year was given a promotion and a payrise. Nothing has ever been raised as an issue prior to his suspension. The content of my partners website has remained unchanged for well over a year if not longer. The boss was always able to be kept aware of its content, there was never any secret. When this was raised at the meeting, his boss stated he did not have time to look at his website.
  3. Ill try and keep this as short as possible but will add more info if required. 3 weeks ago my partner was suspended from work - no prior warnings, just handed a letter and told to leave. There has since been an investigatory meeting and disciplinary meeting, and he was informed on Friday that due to the outcome of both he is now dismissed with one weeks notice. The letter states that it is due to misconduct (and not gross misconduct as was referred to in a previous letter) and states that this is due to the boss having no trust in my partner and therefore has no option to dismiss him. The case itself is a mess, his boss has admitted that he's given my partner permission to do things etc but hes since changed the goal posts and saying that he could do X but couldn't do Y even though this was never discussed. The boss told my partner when giving him the letter of suspension he could no longer work with him - so it was an obvious outcome as it was already pre-determined. The boss also said he had already taken legal action. Both the investigatory and disciplinary meetings were sat in on by an employee of the law firm who the boss had taken advice from. Although they both proclaimed the companion was impartial and there only as a notetaker. This was not the case, and was obvious from clear omissions and mistakes within the so-called notes. I beleive is also worth noting, that also the manager of the law firm is also very good friends with my partners boss and that the law firm is also a client of the boss's firm. Therefore I fail to see how they can be classed as impartial. Now he has been dismissed he has been told he has to appeal to the owner of the law firm - as he apparently is totally independent. Its obvious the outcome of the appeal. Due to the fact that misconduct has been cited as the reason for dismissal and that no prior warnings have been given - would this alone be grounds for unfair dismissal? Alongside this would the above, about the process so far being carried out not so independently play a part in the case? If anymore info is needed then I will update. Thanks
  4. Im sure Ive heard that if an appliance is supplied by the landlord then it is the Landlords responsibility for repair and maintenance unless damage is caused directly by the tenant by misuse etc.
  5. Out of curiosity can the EA's actually decide to renew my tenancy without my consent, I have a horrible feeling Im going to suddenly end up with a bill through the door for the renewal fee regardless. Have sent off the letter to the LL asking to confirm whether remaining on periodic will suffice - it seems stupid to me to change this seeing as we are already on this now. If I don't hear anything back from the LL Im not really sure where I stand with the EA though?
  6. Basically last month my 6 months tenancy agreement expired, we had no contact from the estate agents regarding this so continued to pay our rent as usual which was taken so assumed we were now on a periodic tenancy. Today I have recieved a letter from the agents informing me that I must re-sign and renew my current contract, and if I don't they'll increase the rent - pretty sure this is a bullying tactic into getting me to re-sign and pay them a ridiculous renewal fee. Now although Im more than happy to stay in the property but unless the tenancy is backdated then it will take me well into September which is total impractical, but regardless even if it is backdated being tied into another 6 months put me and my partner into an awkward situation, we're looking at re-locating and although its not likely to be for another 4-6 months we really cannot afford to be tied into a six month contract incase something comes up sooner. Obviously for practicality issues we want to remain periodic but obviously don't want our rent increased as a result because we simply cannot afford anything higher. I want to write to the LL to basically discuss the situation, that we want to remain periodic (which will save us both a hefty fee) but not obviously pay more - especially seeing as the estate agents are somewhat unscrupulous. If anyone could give me any advice on this? Heres a draft of the letter I was thinking of sending - could anyone help me out with this? As per the assured shorthold tenancy, commencing 27th August 2010 at the above property, such tenancy has now expired as of the 26th February 2011. We have continued to pay rent and as such are now on a statutory periodic tenancy. We have today received notification from XXXXXXX that we are required to renew the tenancy for a further six months, within 14 days and that failure to do so is likely to result in an increase in rental payment. Whilst we would like to continue living at the property we find this letter somewhat bullying and would prefer to remain on a statutory periodic tenancy on the current terms. Obviously I do understand if you require a renewal of the tenancy to be drawn up, however whilst we have no intentions to move within the forthcoming months due to employment commitments we would prefer that the flexibility a periodic tenancy. Could you please confirm whether you would be willing to accept us to remain at the property on a periodic tenancy and based on the current terms.
  7. Ive never rented through a letting agent before so help would be much appreciated. Me and my boyfriend have been looking to move in together and we've found a nice place, I phoned today to see what details they needed and they told me they want a £195 'tennant fee' upfront before they speak to the landlord - I spoke to my mom about this and she doesnt think this is right, and on Shelter and Citizens Advice websites it says : 'A letting agency can charge you: an unlimited fee once you have signed a contract to accept a tenancy You must have agreed to take the tenancy before the agency can charge you.' So therefore, they cant charge me a non refundable fee before us and the landlord have agreed a deal, or am I wrong? Huge Thanks
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