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the kid's mum

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Everything posted by the kid's mum

  1. Yeah, you're right. I was just thinking I am the lay person and they are the professionals. The mediation service are going to ring again in a few days, do I say still not had the docs and then this will go towards court?
  2. Had a call earlier to schedule the mediation app. She said did I have all the information that I had requested from the other party, I said no. They're going to ring back in a few days. Surely, I should have had a response to my defence by now? They had 28 days to do so, so that time is done and dusted.
  3. So reading between the lines they are thinking that I will buckle at the mediation point, because they haven't supplied the documentation?
  4. Update, received communication from court that the other party want to do mediation and a date is pencilled in for mediation. The deadline for them to respond to the CPR31:14 and CCA request has passed and the 28 days to respond to my defence has thereabouts passed. What am I to do now? It says that the mediator is the 'go-between' for an hour and then any agreement if agreed, is legally binding but I still haven't had the documentation that I requested. This was an preliminary email from the court, do I wait it out? Agree at last minute to the mediation? I just don't know. Help!?!?! Please xx
  5. I did copy to sols, I have based the defence on that they do not have an invoice for the amount and the date they stated in their original court papers. Also there had been no response to the 31:14 or the CCA request. And that without the CPR request their original claim is unenforceable.
  6. Update.. Received a court letter today, regarding allocation and mediation. I have returned and said yes to mediation. Nothing regarding CPR31:14 and CCA request has been received from claimants.
  7. I haven't had anything back from Hadfields, I checked that they got the CPR31:14 and it was signed for on Tues last week. What do I do now?
  8. Yeah, this is a bit strange as I was led to believe that a n other firm were sole advisors and STA were used as a dca to recover
  9. Apologies Andy, Thank you for taking it down. Thanks Unclebulgaria, I'll run it off and get it in the post, recorded just so I know they get it.
  10. Yes, dx100uk. from UOB... Wouldn't say they provided assistance as I did this from hospital bed, all they did is mark the papers. I had Student loans for the previous years of studying just UOB stopp the SLC stuff, I never ever expressed a wish to put anything on hold through the illness, either. This is the CPR31:14 with parts deleted/modified, can ou cast your eyes over it before I send it, thanks? Templates must not be posted on the open forum..they are for you and members only. (see instructions on the template) Regards Andy
  11. Thank you, I've copied over the answers in purple. (a delay, monitor went bang yesterday) All help is greatly received. xx Name of the Claimant ? University of B.... Date of issue 25/9/2017 Date of issue 28/10/2017 What is the claim for – POC - 1.The claimant claims £3700 in respect of 1 university tuition provided by the Claimant at the Defendant's request, full particulars whereof having been supplied by way of claimant's invoice dated 7/10/13 together with additional charges as per the claimant's regulations. 2. The Claimant claims the further sum of £1070 pursuant to S.69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8.00% from the date on which the invoice(s) were due to date. 3. The claimant also claims statutory interest at the above daily rate of £0.76 from the date hereof to payment or judgement whichever is the sooner. 4. Costs What is the value of the claim? Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Tuition fees When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After, Oct 2013 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Appears to be issued by Hadfield solicitors on U O B... , STA were chasing. No dead of assignment, last correspondence from Hadfield Sol acting for STA. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No deed of assgnment Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No default notice received Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? See dispute sentence What was the date of your last payment? See dispute sentence Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes, total amount. I applied for student loan, was approved, then somebody from U O B... called student loans and said wasn't attending (I had experienced a life threatening illness) however continued to study and completed the year. I was unaware that student loans had not paid out. Then U O B... wrote to say £3700 is outstanding. I contacted back to dispute as fee was in the region of £1400, next communications were from STA and no regard to the disputed amount or resolve over the communications with student loans Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management planicon? No, because all comms are from STA BTW, there was a letter of action (quite some time ago) but that was from hadfield sols acting for STA
  12. I know this is an old thread, but... bit the same as OP, had the STA letters and Hadfield stuff, now have received court summons. I need help, my husband passed away earlier this year, I'm not in the best place. I'll start another thread but anybody got some Friday night, stay calm and you'll be able to sleep advice? xx
  13. Dear all, Not been on here for a while, I am seeking your advice and thoughts. Sadly my husband passed away a while ago and I am just in the process of sorting out his paperwork. I have come across some old credit card statements with late charges and was wondering if I should start the process of claiming back the charges. I did this a while ago on 1 or 2 of my old cards, which bore success and remember that I listed charges that were older than 6 years. In my letter, I could state that as they were my late husbands I was not aware of them and as I am administering his estate etc. Also tbh, we were in financial hardship at the point of the charges being applied. I would also like some retribution on his behalf as he did work hard and did get most of the debts paid off. What are your thoughts? Thanks TKM
  14. Hi I hope you can all help I'm looking at beginning a 2 yr foundation degree, I am trying to find out if I am elidgable for finance - apart from direct gov (part time degree finance infor released in August) how else can I find info regarding finance
  15. Out of curiosity, does anybody know for definate when Citi stopped sending letters out with their 2003 TM logo etc in the footer? If not how am I going to find the info out?
  16. Thanks for the replies. We are still reeling from this. We're okayish. With respect in the light of what has happened I can't say much more at the mo - advice being taken
  17. Guys we went, we spoke, we lost... I need to go over a few things - 42 I'll pm you
  18. Thanks 42, I will have a look. I have found in my paperwork trail 2 previous SDs that they haven't followed through. Should I say about these? I never applied for set aside on them because I conculted CCCS and then suggested that it was pressure techniques and that I ask for copy of agreements which they didn't send at that time
  19. Paperr work trail Can I use sempra metals? Came back with bit of rubbish regarding DN but no DN notice from the beloved cruds or conns No reply in their response regarding offer of repayment Assignment notice from citi - Why in 2008 do they still use 2003 TM ? I have letters from citi prior with different footing(2007/2008) Why on the copy letters of assignment is the bar codes the same but they are differnt to mine? Why have I found a letter of 'introduction' from the cruds which has a complete different date on it to the one in the court bundle???I am starting to rant but high blood pressure is starting to kick in now
  20. The report a post triangle, I thought that was for the baddie posts
  21. Guys, help please. Can the solicitors acting expect so much in costs for this set aside? The solicitors say in the letter that I am going to fail so I should accept and pay their costs. They have already written the bill out for the hearing
  22. Time to get serious. These lovely people have written ewith a copy of their argument and have now offered thst if I quit now and not go for set aside they'll let me pay their costs! TBH i think it's a money making exercise - not only are the going for x amount in the stat dem they are going to dam near double it with their costs!
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