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Everything posted by Vana

  1. That’s a sobering thought. would they allow be a day in court to tell my side ?
  2. Could a bailiff take my car or anything from outside of the house ? say they did go back to court, would I get a chance to have my say and say this is why I haven’t paid the buggers!!!!
  3. Is there any way that SWW can come after me even thought the CcJ was 8 years ago? or is this a case where ignoring them is a good idea ?
  4. Do you think they are just trying it on Andy ?
  5. Is that legal, can they wait until the ccj is gone and then chase me again for the same thing ?!
  6. Okay, so I phoned SWW. They said there was a CCJ .......8 years ago in 2014 ?!
  7. Yes good idea. I was trying to avoid phoning them I don't know why !
  8. Well interesting. Paid to check CCJ with TrustOnline on 4 different addresses and no records found for CCJ's
  9. I don’t think it’s silly, it’s absolutely idiotic ! am really cross with myself, it’s the perfect example of the “oh it’ll just go away if I ignore it” mentality. I hope anyone reading this in a similar position makes sure that they don’t make that mistake Yes, all old addresses are showing. Will ring northants bulk and finding out as much as I can today. Do you think I have a leg to stand on to set aside the ccj and start again? I do want that day in court, as it’s really unfair to charge for a broken pipe which would never have been discovered had they not harangued me into getting a metre. It cost me over £1000 to fix the pipe, and there was never any help towards it because they said it was not done within the allotted time. impossible to achieve as the pipe was located in another persons garden, which had to be dug up ! Just phones northants bulk and they said they can’t give me any details as they don’t have a search facility and I don’t have a case number
  10. It wasn't a high court enforcement officer, just a regular letter from SWW. We haven't received the court stuff or anything, I will call the number tomorrow thank you so much. I imagine I can prove it, I still have the receipts from the pipe repair we undertook ourselves as SWW claimed it was on our side of the boundary. No the neighbour isn't where we live now, but SWW seem to think we do.
  11. No, but due to purchase one next year, the one we live in currently, is owned by a family member who will sell it to us at a reduced rate - we pay rent here ! Trying to save for a deposit, but doubt we can get a mortgage with a ccj
  12. Hi Everyone, Have heard nothing else from SWW since, but tbf have moved about 4 more times. This afternoon received a letter to my neighbours address, she posted it through my door. The letter is from SWW saying : As you are aware the CCJ against you remains unpaid and we are now considering applying for a Writ of Control, charging order, or attachment of earnings to recovery the outstanding balance. Breakdown of costs £122.75 High court writ charge £90 compliance state charge £228+7.5% of debt value for Stage 1 Enforcement £594 Stage 2 listing of goods £630 + 7.5% of the debt value if judgement debt is >£1000 I had no idea we had a CCJ ! I have clear score but my married name is different so maybe that's why nothing shows. I really can't afford to pay them £4000+ and I want my day in court to argue at how unfair it is, does anyone have any advice what to do now ? They did not include a letter about the CCJ (number or anything about which court it was at), or even the amount they want us to pay.
  13. Hi UncleB We are always in the UK. Will be in an airbnb for the next month and a half, then back in our RV when the baby is born. I am a bit wary of writing to them, what if they try and get us to admit liability - can they do that ?
  14. Thanks UncleB We don't actually have an address at the moment, we use the relatives as correspondence. We move around alot and have just come back to the area to have our baby, and then we will be off again. Should I continue using the relative as correspondence ?
  15. It is just a normal SWW bill, as if we still live there or own it. MAybe they are just trying it on !
  16. Thank you dx I guess they have just kept rolling the amounts over and over, and then said it is for this bill period. Which surely is not legal in of itself.
  17. Thank you dx I am mildly freaking out, just cos I am 8 months pregnant, and don't want to be dealing with these numpties again. At the time it was all happening, we offered them £480 which was the amount for a year before the metre was fitted and tehy refused. We told them we would contact the ombudsman (never did), and to not contact us again. Just so peed off that they have decided all these year later to chase us Should we ignore, or write 'Not know at this address' and post back to them ?
  18. We owned a property which was sold 2 years ago. The property was a rental, and we lived in it for about 1 year whilst renovating, then after that it was empty as the mortgage company refused to allow us to rent it. During the year we lived there SWW asked if we would like to reduce our bill by changing to a metre, so we said sure why not. Soon after the normal bill of about £40 a month turned into £400 a month. Turns out we had a leak, they told us it was on our side and we had 30 days to fix it. It took us about 4 months to fix, as the pipe was on the downstairs neighbours property and they would not authorise our plumber to dig their garden up (fair enough, as it was a lovely garden!) Eventually it was done, at a cost of £1000 to us, SWW said because it was not done within 30 days they would not reimburse us. They sent us a bill for £1500 this was 7 years ago. We told them to go away, and that it was ridiculous and we would argue in court with them. We never heard anything else from them, and assumed they had realised how ridiculous they were being. Fast forward 7 years later, and they sent a bill to a relatives address asking for £4000, saying it was for the period of June 2019-October 2019. I just don't know what to do, we don't own the property anymore, and I don't feel that we should have to pay £4000. After we moved out, the property was empty until sold, with the water turned off on our stop cocks. Also this relative is frail and old and if a bailiff turned up she would be so scared (although it is a bill not a summons at this point)
  19. Hello, I am asking this on behalf of a friend who is staying with us at the moment. A bit of background : He has children from a previous relationship and the CSA have been in touch to say he owes them 4 months arrears. He notified them of a new temping job in June and they said the would re-assess him (he had been unemployed previously). He called them again end of July and they said they were still trying to assess him. So this week gone he got a letter from the CSA saying he owes arrears and must pay immediately - he does not dispute this at all. BUT they have assessed him until 2011. He is going to be leaving his job in 1 week and returning to college Full time, he has already given notice to his temp job. He has been saving from the job he had to see him through until the college holidays at which point he will try and get another job. He will be living with myself and partner rent free as the college is only 10 minutes away. So my question is : After he pays off the arrears which he has set aside anyway, will he have to continue paying the rate they assesed him at until 2011 ? This will leave him with no means to go to college. He is returning to FT education to retrain so he can earn a decent wage to support his children.
  20. Hi Pinky69, I have just recieved documents from DG solicitors on behalf of HSBC. There is nothing signed by me, there is a hand filled in credit card request form which has no signature or even date on it and is not in my hand writing. They have enclosed : Current Terms & Conditions Notice of Variation of Terms Historic Terms and Conditions Blank Copy Agreement Form Copy of Statements For my next letter should I use the template that you advised the OP to use ?
  21. Okay does that mean that using a template on this thread would be better ? Sorry to sound a bit dim.
  22. I have been trying to read this thread and am now a bit confused about which letter I should send to DK (Egg Debt Collecters). I was going to go with a CCA and I'm not sure if the version on PAge 1 of this thread is the correct one. Could someone please advise
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