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  1. I wanted to change to a pre-pay meter to reduce my bill, now N-Power are saying I have an outstanding bill in excees of £350 because their card meter has been charging me incorrectly since 2006!!!! They haven't been trying to replace the meter for that long, late last year was the first time they asked to replace the meter (just said a new one was needed, no mention of a "debit" or being incorrectly charged). In January 2010 I was told an "investigation" was needed as there was an outstanding debit on my account, and then I could have a new pre-pay meter. Today I received a phone call from N-Power (this is after they totally ignored my e-mail to there complaints department asking what was happening regarding there so called "investigation") asking why I have been refusing to have my meter replaced with the new one that they have been trying to install since late 2009/early 2010 - advised them I have reguested a pre-pay meter and that I was given some non-sense story about an investigation into my account. Was told that I have an outstanding debit from 2006 because their meter had been charging me the wrong rate since 2006 of £350+ Promised me I would get a letter confirming this situation and that they would wipe off debit from 2006-July 2009 and I would owe aprox £50. I could then speak to their debit recovry section and arrange for debit to be paid and after a further 12 months I could change to a pre-pay meter. Anyone recommend a supplier I could switch to now and get a pre-pay meter and what I do about this utter bulsh*t!!! 1950's Customer Service Britton..... 2010 Call Centre, Non-Existant Customer Service....
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