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Everything posted by Finito

  1. Thanks Steve I have never actually heard of the unfair terms legislation, it sounds good on the outside, I wonder if it delivers and what it does for the consumer who genuinely needs finance and has difficulty getting it? If I hadn't taken on a welcome finance loan I potentially would have been left jobless....then where would I be? You say I can get my premiums back? I would certainly like to investigate if you could tell me where to look.... Welcome Finance went out of business? ....that's karma at work....lol.... Oh and some tips where not to go would be great as I really do need to think of car replacement before I end up having to walk 6 miles to work and 6 miles back home again every day....I simply wouldn't have the energy these days. Thanks for the answers so far.
  2. This is my first message on the consumer forum thread and my major concern here is not only that people are signing things without checking the small print, but quite simply there is no avenue to realistically go down for many except to agree to the terms.... I understood it all and simply had no choice! i.e. with some defaults I had nowhere else to turn and had to relocate for work so borrowed £1000 to help me move up country. I cringed at the fact the original loan would be paid off within 6 months yet I would be paying for 24, of which the last payment was last month (). I was also told that I would have to take out PPI or not receive the loan, in fact I was encouraged to take it out against my will and send in the cancellation docs within the statutory 14 day cooling off period. Of course that just turned out to be downright impossible! Has anybody tried contacting these people once they have taken a loan...it's not just a challenge, it's near on impossible.... Even though my last payment has just been paid I am almost expecting something to go wrong before I am finally rid of them completely. I have received not a shred of paperwork to say the loan has finished and am now in a situation where my car is held together with masking tape (legally I might add!) and will probably have bits falling off it if I don't get it changed soon..... Will I go back to Welcome Finance? It has to be said, if one agrees to their outrageous terms and actually sticks to them, it can be a seemless process albeit an extremely painful experience....but the answer for sure is.....NOT ON YOUR NELLY! That said my situation is such that I still can't get a loan from mainstream sources even having paid these outrageous fees without a single default.....so exactly where does somebody in this situation go to get a fair deal??
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