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Everything posted by wishful-thinking

  1. Ok im not sure what that means then, what should i do and what is an unregulated loan?!
  2. Thanks for the advice, i will send a letter fo CCA tomorrow, im going to leave the set aside through the court and see what happens. Im more annoyed that they are closed when they say they are open!
  3. How do i go about that?and would i be rite in thinking that if i dont manage to do this, that i will be made bankrupt this week?????
  4. It was an unsecured loan, today is the 18th day since i recieved the demand!!! Thanks for replying , all of you.x
  5. I was handed a SD from Capquest, on the 9th of July. Its dated 24th june, and signed Barry Davies. The opening times on the back of the letter state open until 9pm on a monday, i rang just after 8pm and heard a message that said they were closed!! Particulars of debt are a debt dated 7 july 2004, with Natwest, and the debt was assigned to them 30 october 2007, The debt is for £24,067 and includes 731.73 interest accrued since assignment of debt. I cannot remember the last date that i made the payment, i think it could have been 2005, there is no credit agreement included with the letter. A court has been named in the letter although im not sure if it is the closest court to me that deals with bankruptcy. I live in a rented housing association property, bought a car for £200 and dont have anything else of any value. Im just wondering what i can do, do they ever actually go through with the Bankruptcy????? I did get a letter last year warning me if i didnt make payment they would after 18 days go to court, but i ignored it and never heard anything!! They ring about 20-30 times a day, i did try to speak with them at first, and sort some arrangement out, but they are so rude and was trying to make me pay more than i could afford so they have had nothing and i never speak to them!! I have only found this site today, and any advice would be wonderful, i realise its late in the day as tomorrow is day 19!!Help!!
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