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  1. Finally it is sorted for y/e April 2011 and the money owed has been paid and I have a final statement for that year. Now awaiting tax return details from my accountants for y/e April 2012 and hope Tax Credits don't mess that year up. Should be due some more money when that is finalised. Documents were received today and I had only just finished writing another letter when postman delivered!! Many thanks Gbarhm for your advice and support:-)
  2. All excited to receive a letter today BUT It was a reply to the first complaint letter I wrote back on 20 June! This reply states that they are sorry for the delay in replying (you don't say)! They apologise for not providing level of service "entitled to expect and should have received". However then state "we are looking into the issues you have raised but attempts to resolve the matter are taking longer than expected"..... " we now need to monitor your award until the matter is resolved. We will contact you when the problems affecting your tax credits award have been resolved". But I received a more prompt reply to the letter sent recorded delivery on 9 July which states they will contact me by 31 July - let's see what next week brings........ Just hope that having sent 2 letters it will not confuse them!!
  3. I have received a letter from Customer Service and Support Group stating that they are looking into my complaint and will contact me by 31/07/12 so watch this space!
  4. I appealed on 27 March and received decision 25 April and was successful. The letter stated "revised award notices ... will be sent shortly" and I am still waiting and they owe me money too! I called yesterday and was given some waffle about "technical problems". I was told some other people had the same problem. Is this some ploy to not pay people what they are owed. They are quick to demand repayment but stall when they owe us money. I was given an address where I could write to complain but no info on when I can receive a revised entitlement letter or indeed my money!
  5. I received the "second" letter from ACS in July this year which referred to previous correspondence. I put "second" in quotes as I never received the first letter. However I called ACS telling them this and I made no comment to them regarding their accusation. They sent a copy of the first letter dated January 2010 with a covering letter asking for a reply within 21 days. To date I have not made any contact and no LOD has been sent nor have I heard anything from them. I have been following this thread for all this time and I am not sure what to do for the best. Should I send an LOD or leave it and see what happens? Every day I wonder whether I will receive another letter! BTW they wanted £400.
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