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Everything posted by joanneg

  1. That's very true but you know what they can be like. So I contacted my local county court today to check their address and it appears things have changed slightly since 19th March 2012. All claims have to go to Salford and you now have to give a warning letter to the company you plan on taking to court allowing a reasonable time limit for them to resolve the problem. Have done a brief letter, requesting refund up to the 5th April as sending the letter tomorrow via email or will start court proceedings. Is 14 working days long enough? Tempted to make it shorter given they're only going to say no anyway but want to look like I've given them every chance. Also Greg, would you mind if I used parts of your POC that are relevant? Thanks
  2. Cheers! And I will! Do I still need to push them for my complete SAR. I'm a little worried that as they claim they have a note on the account that we took the PPI by phone (but they haven't included it in the SAR ... it only goes back to 10/08) they could bring that out as evidence against us.
  3. OK, So will be going to court but will need help with this if that's ok. Take it its the N1 form I need to fill first? Also do I need to inform Capital One of my intention to take them to court first? They have sent me the statements for the missing 2 years transactions they previously so I can now calculate the correct figures to claim back. Do I put the end claim date as now or the date I cancelled the PPI? And do I add the additional 8% interest on top and how do I calculate that. Thanks Additional Info: Just done a new calculation based on the end of claim date being today (as read in greg's thread) and it makes this: PPI charges (01/03 - 12/08) £558.17 Compound Interest @ 32.56 % (standard purchase rate) £2867.27 Total amount £3425.44 Plus 8% stat interest of £1841.07 Overall total of £5266.51. Can anyone verify these figures? Will I still be able to go through the small claims court? Thanks
  4. We requested the SAR back in October so 40 days definitely up as they lost the request. They don't really care that I'm going to report them though. Apparently they are investigating why I have not been sent a full SAR. In the SAR though is the computer screens of the original application so they must still have my full account history to have included this. They have already confirmed they don't have a copy of the phone call just apparently a note on the account. Like I said they must have seen the note on the account to put this in writing so why not send me the proof. They have stated in their final response they plan to defend the sale of PPI so I need to move on to the next stage. Not sure whether to go FOS or small claims court at the moment. Am fed up of the cat and mouse games they are playing. Its so frustating
  5. Thanks, Have received our response with the usual blurb they talk. There is one sentence that confuses me though: "Our records show that the policy was indeed sold over the telpehone when you contacted us to activate your credit card on 16 December 2002. Although we do not have a copy of that specific telephone conversation, a note was placed on your account to confirm the sale" I assumed this information would be in the SAR but that only goes back to 2008, so four years missing. If they could prove this note wouldn't they send me a copy. He must have seen it to state that. Also they have cleared our balance and offered us £100 ex-gratia payment for the service we have received from them. Should I take this? Am concerned if I do this will be used against us at court but could use the money to start the proceedings really. Should I get confirmation that this £100 is compensation for the customer service we received? Thanks.
  6. We have responded to the second e-mail stating they have til end of play next Tuesday and then we start court proceedings. Am looking at this stage as gaining evidence against them. The old give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves. Have a child free day tomorrow so will be beginning the court forms. Finally received the SAR requested in October today as well and the PPI requirements box says NO .... couldn't be clearer really. Gregorious77, was actually just scanning through your thread to see if you've listed the name of the solicitors they use ... like to do my research .... if you didn't mind letting me know thanks
  7. Hi all, Just a quick update .... We sent the e-mail last Sunday evening for Liam to receive Monday morning (12th) and my husband spoke to him that Monday lunchtime and he has confirmed receipt and that he is investigating. Had an e-mail last Tuesday (13th) from Simon Carter (Executive Response Team) on behalf of Liam Quegan saying he will be investigating and respond within 5 working days or e-mail explaining why he is unable to respond. Had an e-mail yesterday requesting a further five working days. Not sure if this is good or bad?? We'll have to see. Obviously if we don't get the response we want, as we stated in writing we expected Liam to investigate personally we will be requesting this. In the meantime, our complaint about customer service has been answered and we have it confirmed, in writing, that my husband was lied to and abused by the customer service staff . As soon as we hear anything else I will let you all know. napoleon-dynamite - thank you, if you need any numbers or e-mail addresses we have quite a few so happy to pass them on lol
  8. So is this anyone who was ever sold PPI or anyone the banks believe was possibly mis-sold PPI ?
  9. Hi I used your compound interest spreadsheet which worked out from 01/2003 to 01/2009 £602.03 charges and £931.67 interest at 32.56% interest. Only problem I had was for the first two years they haven't sent me the full statements so I had to guess the charges based on balances that matched from the rest of the statements they sent. We sent the letter and spreadsheet via email to Liam Quegan yesterday and my Husband spoke to him yesterday and he is personally going to look back at it. Expecting the same answer though. I'm happy to post the spreadsheet if you wanted if someone could tell me how. I will keep you up dated Joanne
  10. Just a quickie before I send off this letter.... can I also add 8% interest to my calculations now or its that only offered through the court proceedings? Tbh the 8% additional interest confuses me a bit. Thanks
  11. Thank you both Let the battle commence lol
  12. Hi, This is as far as I have got. We are also making a complaint about the service we have received which will be added to the end of the letter but I didn't feel it was really relevant to this thread. Any comments greatly appreciated .... "I am writing with reference to the above account and my claim for mis-sold PPI which has been with your company since August 2011 and I finally received a final response to in letter dated 5th March 2012. I am demanding a re-review of my case by you personally on the following basis: In your letter dated 5th March 2012 you claim I purchased PPI during my card activation phone call dated 16th December 2002. You are unable to provide evidence of this call claiming it has been destroyed. If you cannot provide evidence of this call then you are unable to assert with any credibility that this call took place. You claim you are also unable to provide evidence of this destruction of my personal data. Under the Civil Evidence Act 1995 you are required to provide evidence that this data was destroyed by a registered data controller and in accordance with the act. You are also required to keep auditable records on documentation held including a certificate of destruction. I look forward to receiving this evidence and information by return. I also expect to receive relevant copies of Sales Scripts, Training Manuals including Objection Handling guidelines which you would be required to provide to the FOS if I chose to proceed to this option. You have sent me incomplete statements of my account between 6th January 2003 and 6th January 2005. There is no evidence of any transaction history between that period yet from 5th February 2005 there is full transaction history. This leaves you in breach of the Data Protection Act and I will be lodging my complaint with the Information Comissioner’s Office. It also leaves me unable to create accurate calculations of the amount of PPI charged to my account. As members of the FSA, Banking and Lending Code, ABI and GISC you are required to abide by the regulations and codes set out by these organisation. They include: “ making sure all the information we give you is clear, fair and not misleading;” “give you enough information and help so you can make an informed decision before you make a final commitment to buy your insurance policy.” The Association of British Insurers codes also set out relevant requirements. For example, the ABI General Insurance Business Code of Practice for all Intermediaries (1989) (the ABI Code) said that it: “... shall be an overriding obligation of an intermediary at all times to conduct business with utmost good faith and integrity.” The ABI Code also included requirements about "explanation of the contract". And it said the intermediary should: “Explain all the essential provisions of the cover afforded by the policy or policies he is recommending so as to ensure as far as is possible that the prospective policyholder understands what he is buying; [and] draw attention to any restrictions and exclusions applying to the policy.” As I have already stated in numerous conversations with your company I was told that PPI was something that came with the card and I did not receive or return any documentation relating to this. I also queried the charge when noticed on my statement and was again informed it was nothing to worry about just something I had to have to have the card. At no point was I informed that PPI was optional, what the full costs and implications were and you are unable to provide any evidence contrary to this. As a Insurance intermediary you were required to provide me with adequate information to make an informed decision. You did not. The Unfair terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 states: Unfair Terms, Section 5.4 “It shall be for any seller or supplier who claims that a term was individually negotiated to show that it was” Written Contracts, Section 7.1 “A seller or supplier shall ensure that any written term of a contract is expressed is plain, intelligible language” Written Contracts, Section 7.2 “If there is doubt about the meaning of a written term, the interpretation which is most favourable to the consumer shall prevail” Effect of unfair term, Section 8.1 “An unfair term in a contract concluded with a consumer by a seller or supplier shall not be binding of the consumer” The responsibility lies with you, the seller or supplier, to ensure the relevant regulations and codes are adhered to and as the consumer the law is firmly on my side. With all this in mind I would suggest that a more favourable decision would be in the best interests of both parties and offer you the opportunity to re-evaluate your previous decision. I have enclosed a without prejudice draft Statement of Charges calculated with a rate of 32.56% interest which is the standard purchase rate of interest as stated in the terms and conditions sent to me. As you can see the period of 6th January 2003 – 6th January 2005 is currently highlighted. This is due to the lack of information provided by your company leaving me to estimate the amount. As soon as you provide the necessary information these amounts will be adjusted as necessary. If the appropriate outcome is not reached or any of the requested information not received within 14 calendar days of receipt of this letter I will begin county court action." Feel free to rip apart if necessary, thanks. Joanne
  13. Hi all, My hubby got a capital one credit card in dec 2002 through a postal invitation. We still have the account open and we are repaying under the CCCS on a DMP (about £125 left). We began a claim against mis-sold PPI in august 2011 and received our final response last week as they lost all the paperwork. Initially we requested the terms and conditions, then SAR which is incomplete as it only list data from January 2005 onwards making it impossible for me to calculate the full amount of PPI we paid. We cancelled the PPI when we realised it was an optional charge in December 2008 (when we became aware of all the publicity about it) but didn't realised we could still claim it back as we assumed the account was too old. So our final response letter is pretty bog standard refusing our claim under the basis that we took out PPI in the activation phone call made in December 2002 but they cannot provide a copy of this call claiming it has been destroyed. They cannot provide any written evidence that we accepted PPI so that's that. They also claim as we didn't question the payments on the statement we knew what it was for. We did question the payments numerous items and was always told it was something you had to have to get the card. As we didn't have the best credit rating we accepted this as true. Their decision doesn't really cut it with us but rather than waiting for the FOS or start court proceedings we have been able to get a re-review of the case and my hubby has a phone call arrange on monday am to discuss. Obviously we know nothing is going to change and we're happy to go through the courts if needed. I just have a few questions if possible: Does it matter that we cancelled the policy in December 2008? Neither side has mentioned it and as I'm currently writing a very lengthy letter in response I don't know whether to include this or not. Was thinking along the lines of " As soon as we became aware the policy was optional we cancelled immediately". Should they be able to provide evidence of all payments of PPI made since the account started? Otherwise how do we know how much has been charged? Finally if I was able to post our letter to capital one here would anyone be willing to give it a read through and offer opinions? Many thanks and apologises for the long post. Joanne
  14. They will also tell you you cannot claim back beyond six years as they do not keep records beyond six years. All of this is INCORRECT. You must put them to strict proof that the records do not exist if they state they do not. This means you must insist they produce evidence of destruction of the documents certified by a registered data controller within their organisation as is required under the Civil Evidence Act 1995. This acts requires banks and other institutions to keep auditable records on documentation they hold and includes certification of destruction. Am so pleased I looked at this thread... this is exactly the battle I'm having with Capital One at the mo. The bog standard response ... having found Liam Quegan direct line number am very much looking forward to monday morning !
  15. Sorry to butt in here but have read the entire thread with great interest as could be about to start court proceedings with Capital One myself ..... Greg you did amazing! Have you had anything yet? Our claim dates back to 2002 so don't really know what chance we'd have due to the date. Just like you apparently PPI was taken out in the activation call but no evidence provided of this call and no box ticked on the credit agreement. We first complained back in August 2011 and they lost our form (how convenient) - received our final response letter this week. Hubby has hounded the life out of them the past two days and they are re-reviewing our case but I can guess the outcome. Having been sworn at and been cut off 6 times he is not a happy chappy. If we do decide to go to court (have lots of calculations to do first) I will be coming back regularly for help and advice. Well done again. Be great to hear when you get your money back
  16. Hi Slick132, Sorry for the delay. I spoke to a male member of staff at the gym itself and that's about all I can remember. I've had a reply from the gym Managing Director stating they have lots of evidence about the numerous times they attempted to contact me and that I left them no choice but to go through ARC as I never responded. Should I ask for proof? I actually had the compensation through for my injury and am tempted to pay the amount owed but only directly to the gym itself not ARC. I just can't be doing with the hassle of it all.
  17. Hi Slick123, Thanks and in answer to your questions. 1 and 2. I joined the gym in July 2010 so was still under my 12 month contract term. 3. I went into the gym in March with a letter and evidence from my doctor requesting the statements and saying I wasn't able to use the gym due to the injury which I gave to the receptionist. I was told the manager would contact me as I ask if the membership could be frozen (which they do for a £10 month charge). I said I wouldn't be able to make the monthly payments so would be cancelling my DD for that amount so needed a call back asap. I couldn't make the payments as I wasn't working due to the accident. 4. Its £34 per month. I was contacted by the gym in April for the monthly payment and explained my situation and was told my membership was frozen and when I was over the injury to rebook in and payments could restart. That was verbally though. If I owe the money I'm happy to arrange to pay it but as far as I was aware my membership is still frozen and I was hoping to restart it next month. I have e-mailed the Managing Director of Reynolds last night and he has responded that he will investigate the situation. I'm just ignoring ARC at the moment. Having read some of the other posts last night I don't think I'm going to lose too much sleep over this. I'm just very disappointed with the lack of communication from the gym. I'm assuming the gym won't get back to me and if they do they will have lost my letter and ARC will just start to make empty threats.
  18. I was contacted by ARC in July on behalf of Reynolds Health and Fitness about membership which I believed to be on hold as I had suffered an injury due to a car accident and wasn't making payment. I had my first letter in July, called them and then contacted Reynolds who put the account with ARC on hold whilst they 'investigated' haha. Got a wonderful call tonight from ARC saying Reynolds wanted to continue to pursue the £136 they claim I owe and needed to pay within seven days. Luckily I don't scare that easy. We are currently on a debt management plan with the CCCS and I told this bloke that I was still disputing the supposed debt with the gym but was with the CCCS so any eventual payment would be through them. He got even more shirty (to put it nicely) and kept saying why didn't I say I was with the CCCS in July when they first contacted me. As far as I was concerned it wasn't relevant information as I assumed the gym had made a mistake as my membership is only on hold til I recover. Is there a reason this bloke got so upset about the CCCS? I have contacted the gym via email tonight and will be calling them tomorrow so still disputing this debt. Will also be cancelling my membership now. Any input would be great. Thanks.
  19. I was contacted by ARC in July on behalf of Reynolds Health and Fitness about membership which I believed to be on hold as I had suffered an injury due to a car accident and wasn't making payment. I had my first letter in July, called them and then contacted Reynolds who put the account with ARC on hold whilst they 'investigated' haha. Got a wonderful call tonight from ARC saying Reynolds wanted to continue to pursue the £136 they claim I owe and needed to pay within seven days. Luckily I don't scare that easy. We are currently on a debt management plan with the CCCS and I told this bloke that I was still disputing the supposed debt with the gym but was with the CCCS so any eventual payment would be through them. He got even more shirty (to put it nicely) and kept saying why didn't I say I was with the CCCS in July when they first contacted me. As far as I was concerned it wasn't relevant information as I assumed the gym had made a mistake as my membership is only on hold til I recover. Is there a reason this bloke got so upset about the CCCS? I have contacted the gym via email tonight and will be calling them tomorrow so still disputing this debt. Will also be cancelling my membership now. Any input would be great. Thanks.
  20. Hi, Just after some opinions please ..... My partner has a citi credit card which we paid off (full and final settlement) in March this year and asked to close the account. They have been sending us monthly statements, applying charges and basically been a complete nightmare with the harrassment and refusal to close the account as agreed. Today they finally admitted fault and closed the account (still awaiting for the letter so not holding my breath) and have offered us compensation but no figure. We have been advised to think about it over the weekend and get back to them on monday with an amount. Unfortunately this problem has affected our credit report as they have logged we have missed 6 payments over the last 7 months despite the final settlement payment. This they are going to correct. But I started a new job on monday having handed in my notice and left my old position. Two days into this job which is in a financial environment I was advised that I couldn't keep my job due to the credit check they had run. Naively I didn't think Citi were at fault as they had told us they hadn't logged anything. So tonight I have check both our credit files and the only negative is the issue with Citi. So this problem has cost me my job and my household £300 per month as I now have no job. Citi are aware that they could be the cause of this and certainly changed their attitude when they were told and managed to solve a problem which so far has taken 7 mths in the space of an hour! My question is what do we do? Obviously aside from looking for another job which could take a while given the current climate. What sort of compensation should we be seeking? We have told them if they are the problem on the credit file we will seek loss of my earnings from them (and we will certainly need it). If we calculate the time put it, charges of phone calls, letters and my loss of earnings for a year it comes to about £6700 and 6 months loss of earnings is just over £3000 .... this seems very unlikely to me but their error has cost me my new job and will cause lots of financial difficulty. Really don't know what to do. Any advice from anyone would be greatly received.
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