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Everything posted by CheeseOnToast

  1. EDITED so I guess I'll press ahead, I'd rather settle out of court but I am confident enough to stand up and fight for it! 8)
  2. Hello guys, How are you all? Good I hope! First I have a query, I am 22 and am calculating my charges since I am 18. I am slightly worried that my case will go to court and be seen as a piss take as the total charges amount to in excess of £2000! With the interest it even breaks the £2500 barrier. I am desperate to get this back as at present I owe around £2500 on a loan which is also with HSBC! It would settle that and be a big weight off my mind. Being a young father and trying to buy a house, the mistakes I've made as a teen have really caused me problems! But anyway enough of the soppy stuff.. I have prepared the spreadsheet with them all on and I have written the letter but I wasn't sure about the points above. I look forward to hearing from you all. Thanks, Phil :
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