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  1. After being told by the MD that he thought I was Twagging it. Didn't really see the point making contact again.
  2. Thanks Emmzzi for your comments. A reference is not really a problem. My previous Employer have said that they will be me a glowing reference. LOL, a pessimist is not always bad. It just means that you will not be disappointed. So do U think that I should attend the meeting on Monday and just get it over and done with even though I am still signed off.
  3. It states " discuss our concerns as set out in our letter dated 12th October." which only covered our last meeting. There is no mention of the words "investigatory" or "disciplinary" Apologies for the confusion. I have not been at work since 17th October. Agreed it does sound like they are looking to get rid, but do they not have to give me notice to do that as it is not a case of Gross Misconduct ? As stated my stress is secondary to my Diabetes and there have been no attempts to discuss the situation with me.
  4. I was recently diagnosed with DME and have received treatment for this. On my last check up 4 weeks ago, it was noted that it has gotten worse and I could be blind today / tomorrow / next week / next month etc. No one knows. This has be stressful on it's own. On top of which,I made a couple of small administration errors at work during this time that did not cost the Company anything. However, I was hauled over the coals and told to "take notes" I then received a follow up letter to my home at the weekend stating that I needed to take more care to detail. I began getting unwell due to the stress and was signed off for 2 weeks. On the 8th day, a friend called and advised me that my job was on the market and that Agencies were actively recruiting. This was followed up by my boss calling and telling me that Doctor's just sign anyone off these days. I have today received another letter from the Company asking me to attend a meeting on Monday to discuss the issues raised in my last meeting even though I have not been there really since. There is no mention of it being a welfare meeting.
  5. Hi Emmzzi Please see: diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-destress.html Also under Equality Act 2010 Diabetes is classed as a disablitly.
  6. Hi Connif. Thanks for you reply. I appriciate that the company are member short. However, they were fully aware of my condition before I was employed. Under Equality Act 2010, Employer's must make allowances for disabled people and help in any way possible to get people back into the worksplace (within reason). Causing more stress, I do not believe is helping the situation especially without discussing with me first.
  7. Hi Becky. Thanks for your reply. It is under a year, but the stress is related to a Diabetes related complication. It hasn't been made any better by my Employer advertising my job after only 10 days. It has added to the problem if anything.
  8. I have been signed off work for the past 3 weeks due to Stress related problems. I have found out that after a 10 days, my Employer is advertising for my position believing that I will not be returning. I have no discussions with them in relation to my condition. I have received a letter from them today asking me to attend a meeting on Tuesday in relation to a previous meeting regarding procedures. Do I have to attend if I am still of sick and is there a case of Discrimination under the Equalities Act 2010 by advertising my position after such a short time. Any advice would be great.
  9. My Ex wife was allowed to stay in the marital home until my Son reached 18 years old. It stated in the Divorce Consent Order that the house was to be sold after this time. I have just found out that my Ex wife has allowed the house run into Mortgage arrears and is now at court for a Repossession Order by the Mortgage Company. She is now trying to apply for a Mortgage Assistance Program and wants to sell it to the council so she can remain in the property. After working out what it is going to cost me to agree to this, it would appear that it is in my best interest to allow the Mortgage Company to repossess the property and if I get any equity, then it is a bonus. Is there any way that the court can force me to sell the property rather than letting it get repossessed. She currently is not working so would not be able to afford to buy me out.
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