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  1. Latest news from me, The SRA have sent me a proforma to fill out, and i'll be doing this the weekend. Not worried about this issue, just a bit miffed as to so many cases where if something screws up like this, the innocents have to do all of the chasing. Sooner these (ACS) are acted upon, the better - just a reminder too, tonight (Friday 16th July) the One Show BBC @ 7.00PM are covering this issue, a "must see" maybe. :)
  2. Toffee2010 - do not over worry, these people feed on that worry, in the hope you'll pay! Stay strong, these can only threaten with words, you are Innocent until proven Guilty in a court of law, and short of waiting outside your home with "Sci-Fi Spy Hardware" in a parked transit for example, they can't touch you - granted its not nice to have this hanging over your head, but at least reply politely at first, but giving as little away (personal details) as possible, then step up the reply severety in subsequent replies, threatening court action for harrasement if they dont leave you alone. You certainly are not alone, and they will desist eventually, I'll be suprised if they trade for 6 months (come on SRA, and Government, act upon this [problem])! Anyone with a wireless network can be hacked and / or piggybacked by someone with WEP / WPA hacking know how, and some people don't know how to secure their network either, so this can and does happen. Make sure you use Special delivery too for all correspondance. Recorded delivery isn't all that, I know posties who admit to not getting a signature, whereas Special Delivery is electronically signed so you can obtain evidence that the letter has been recieved. All the best, Baron210
  3. Please see this link to get my opinion of ACS LAW. http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/repealing-unnecessary-laws/digital-economy-act-unscrupilous-lawyers my simple advice, Hold your nerve, and don't let this 1/2 legal court order, but 1/2 going nowhere fiasco cash demand letter ruin your day to day life. Make sure you reply with a straight denial letter, but dont give too much away because they will use this in follow ups, dont pay these upstarts anything, You dont owe then diddly squat, and they will have an impossible legal battle to prove you do. I have taken legal advice, and it was suggested that even if I did pay the £295.00 demanded for this so called Evacuate song (which I know I don't have, because I did not download it), just to get them off of my back, my lawyer stated that I should only offer to pay maximum £30.00 (this action would still apply to offer what a court would consider a "Reasonable amount", if you know / feel you have downloaded the said "Work"). But they are not getting anything from me, short of denial replies, and I sincerely hope you guys / gals do the same. We will fight them on the land / beaches, bank accounts, and they will i'm sure fall soon due to malpractise. I had no hesitation to report these to their regulating body (the Solicitors Regulatory Authority), and am going to get my MP involved, and have also had a relative involved (who is a practicing barrister handy for me) in Hertfordshire, and he also reviewed the letter, and advised me that it is heavily weighted towards legal malpractice, and the Guilty as charged assumption is totally the reverse of English law. Keep your chins up. :)
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