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  1. My partner told me the nomiinee pass explanation might be required after the incident. I did not put it in my statement .
  2. Thank you for your responses. I did not declare that I needed to have a nominee pass, my partner told me that a statement to explain why I dont have the nominee pass and that its with a family member might be needed. My partner never explained to me how it works. Its my season ticket photocard that they took and my partners oyster card, not the staff ID. My partner was not going to work that day.
  3. I got caught using my partners staff Oyster. I assumed as a partner I had rights to it. I willingly showed the pass to the inspector as I thought it would not be a problem as I was a partner although I don’t have the nominee pass. However, it soon became clear to me that was not the case A signed statement was taken and the pass plus my photo ID was impounded. I admitted that I was using it and she did not know. What are the most likely consequences of this? Will I be prosecuted and if so what are the most likely outcomes? Will this go on my record? A report has to be made to staff travel by my partner. I have always bought a monthly pass and used the Oyster for a very brief spell. Is it advisable to seek legal advice or should we write to TFL stating our case as above? I have not heard anything from the Prosecutions department. This would affect my career. What do they consider as extenuating circumstances? Please advice. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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