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  1. Dear members of the public, I have written my letter to the Solicitors regulation authority (SRA) as below. I strongly urge all those who have been unfairly victimised by this unjust and unethical method practiced by a handful of law firms to write to the appropriate authorities, members of parliament, etc. We have rights to justice and not the shotgun methods (victimisation, infringement of privacy, etc) that is practiced by unscrupulous 'law' firms. We need strength in numbers to put a stop to greedy, unethical solicitors! Kind regards, K Dear Sir/ Madam (Solicitors Regulation Authority), ACS:Law & speculative invoicing I am a member of the public in receipt of a letter from the above company claiming I have infringed upon copyright. I believe this problem is rampant and this law firm has sent tens of thousands of claims to members of the public based on claims of copyright infringement. Their basis of their claim is the supposed use of an identical IP address of the individual that had been used to download copyrighted material. There are a variety of ethical and legal issues of concern with the methods currently used by a firm that represents solicitors in the UK: Firstly, the use of an internet protocol (IP) address is weak evidence in claiming an individual has committed the infringement. It is quite common knowledge that an IP address can be faked, stolen, hijacked or even used by other individuals other than the individual in question. Secondly, it is said a large minority of individuals end up paying the excessive amount of the claim (which supposedly incorporates the infringement and fees incurred to put the supposed infringement to rest. The amount of monetary gain obtained by firms practicing this method of speculative invoicing is obscene and unjustly preying upon members of the public. Thirdly, the basis of the recently passed Digital Economic Bill at the parliament has caused significant repercussions in the information technology world. A proper basis needs to be formed if individuals are to be approached and charged with specified claims. i.e. a minimum amount of evidence must be available in order to identify the individual and bring forward a claim. In conclusion, I wish to highlight the current methods of practice by ACS:Law (and likely many other law firms that have jumped on this bandwagon) is equivalent to victimisation and the use of legal loopholes to perform this is disappointing. I am confident the SRA will bring about swift action to discipline this firm (and other firms) that may use this method that degrades the moral fiber of the legal and judiciary system which states an individual is innocent until proven guilty. Yours sincerely,
  2. Just read a few interesting articles online with regards to ACS's (and similar firms) blatant method of work as well as our reminder of our rights. The following is a worthwhile read: http://interactive.bis.gov.uk/digitalbritain/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Bridget%20Prentice%20MP%20letter-%208%20Feb%202010.pdf Received a letter from ACS LAW? YouTube - Davenport Lyons - threatening letters.
  3. Dear all, I must be one of the thousands who have received the letter from ACS. I have been told to pay up GBP$295 for allegedly downloading 'Evacuate the Dance Floor'. I'm not really sure what to do now. I'll be grateful if anyone can give me a professional opinion on what to do as I do not want to end up going bankcrupt or anything like that! Like most of us, I work, I pay my taxes and enjoy music. Professional advice from the forum will be much appreciated. What are others facing a similar situation going to do? Many thanks!
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