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  1. Yes we are on council tax benefit and I am on Job seekers again since last month because the builders I was working for have gone bust. I shall ring the council today and attempt to get them to take it back. They know full well what benefits we do get and it should be fairly obvious what our circumstances are and what is affordable to us. Like I said the bailiffs are not willing to enter into a payment plan at all. Which seems completely unreasonable. Apparently they have been to court in order to waive the right of entering into one with us. Yet they are willing should I let them in to take an inventory (seems BS to me). Another of my concerns is that my Mother in law has given us her caravan in Great Yarmouth for next week and my Brother in law will be staying here. I dont want him to do something silly like let them in should they turn up.
  2. Hi there, wish my first post was lighter hearted than this. My partner and I have 3 council debts that were held by Equita until there was a change in the council and are now with Penham Excel. I offered an agreement to pay Equita 5 pounds a week for each of the 3 but they never responded and we heard no more for 6 months. Since I explained that I am unemployed and have 4 children. Then this Monday we got a hand written envelope through the door whilst picking the children up from school. It was from Penham Excel with details of our debts and asking for them to payed in full by 4 days from the date of delivery. I rang them and offered the same payment plan as I did Equita. They declined this and said they would only enter an agreement with me if I let them onto my property to take a full list of our goods. We rent the house privately although using housing benefits and we have very little. I read on here on Monday that under no circumstances should I let them in. So I refused this which was met with the reply of I will put that onto your account and then he hung the phone up. What should I do now. I have sent an email offering the payment plan to them but fear they will only show up at my door in the near future wanting entry. Help please
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