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  1. Hi all I don't know where to start. Having been struggling workwise for several years I had tried to keep up with payments on various cards. About a year ago I just gave up altogether and have been burying my head ever since. One of these examples is LTSB and as the most pressing perhaps I should start with them? I have a large credit card debt with LTSB (I also have an overdraft but I guess that's a different thread). I have not made any payments in almost a year and after various letters/calls from Lloyds, then MHA Collections and then SCM solicitors I have now received a Claim from Northampton County Court. I have until the 25th Jan to respond to them. I have no chance of paying the amount due or really anything payment wise as I'm still on job seekers and still looking for work (please someone give me a break with an interview!!). I had planned to go along - not sure how as it's a long way from here - and just say I've got no assets for you to take. But reading these forums it appears I may be able to get the debt declared unenforceable. Is that right? What should I do first - write to the County Court and say I disagree with the claim and then chase LTSB for paperwork to prove their claim? Please will someone help with simple step by step instructions for me? Thank you for reading WolfThing
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